imPower Technologies
imPower Technologies helps companies hire and train the next generation of IBM i developers. We provide online, self-paced, instructor-led IBM i training for new and seasoned developers. Our courses enable new developers with little to no IBM i experience to become highly competent and seasoned developers to learn new tools for modernization. Courses include videos, sample programs, graded quizzes, weekly meetings and the use of an IBM i partition.
This comprehensive course is designed for entry-level and other platform developers to learn the IBM i. Upon completion, students will be proficient in using the IBM i operating system, Db2 database and IBM’s new development tools. The course includes a mixture of videos, graded quizzes and labs, and weekly online meetings to ensure optimal retention and understanding of the course material. Class duration varies and is based on student activity—maximum of eight weeks.
Train new and current developers on the ILE RPG language in less than 10 weeks. Students will learn the latest RPG techniques, with each section covering two chapters of Jim Buck’s* “Programming in ILE RPG” 5th edition textbook. The course is a combination of lectures, graded quizzes, programming examples and programming assignments. Students are invited to attend live Webex meetups once a week to ask questions during the course.
imPower offers workshops for developers to expand their knowledge and skills. These workshops are self-paced with labs, quizzes and video instruction.
RDi & Modular Programming
Taught by Jim Buck,* the self paced 18-hour RDi workshop combines Video Instruction with Lab exercises to teach RPG developers to correctly use IBM’s RDi Development tool and new techniques and procedures that are essential for modernization.
* Jim Buck is CEO, co-founder and lead instructor at imPower Technologies. He is an IBM Champion for many years and has been teaching IBM i technologies for over 20 years.
SQL Queries
Taught by Birgitta Hauser*, teaches developers SQL SELECT statements and more.
* Birgitta Hauser has worked on the IBM i and its predecessors since 1992 as a traditional RPG programmer and also as database and software engineer, focusing on IBM i application and database modernization. She is a frequent speaker at COMMON, co-author of two IBM Redbooks and also the author of several articles and papers as well as an IBM Champion.
Other workshops coming soon.