UBS Hainer
UBS Hainer organizes the data for your software development. Through our software tools, we support and relieve software developers and IT departments by automating test data management and optimizing their systems. We’ve provided cost reduction, performance improvement, shorter processing time and qualified system automation to our customers for over 25 years.
BCV5 copies, refreshes and replicates Db2 tablespace and indexes quickly and efficiently between different Db2 subsystems, or within the same subsystem. It comes with a built-in copy tool that works directly on the VSAM level and is much faster than conventional copying methods. Compared to unload/load, BCV5 shortens elapsed copy time by approximately 90% and reduces resource consumption.
XDM-RLP copies consistent sets of rows from databases and lets users easily populate test development and other environments. Sophisticated masking mechanisms help build copy processes that comply with data privacy regulations. XDM-RLP saves resources while shortening the development cycle and supplies developers and testers with exactly the data they need.
P-Tracker supports efficient software asset management. It’s a high-performance tracking tool, a comprehensive software catalog and a straightforward reporting tool. P-Tracker has powerful functions but a small footprint, and it helps to keep software asset management simple, efficient and cost-effective.