Videos Highlight the Latest on Storage
Learn what's new and on the horizon in the world of storage through videos produced by the IBM Washington Systems Center.

“Are you familiar with the IBM Washington Systems Center? This group produces video presentations that cover a wide range of storage topics.
Check out their YouTube page. And―for now―you’ll find presentation abstracts on the developerWorks Connections Platform (excerpt below):
“Welcome to the IBM North America Washington Systems Center-Storage Accelerate with IBM Storage program. This blog is for our program of technical webinars covering a variety of storage topics. Please subscribe to this blog or join our mailing list to hear about upcoming technical webinars. To join our mailing list please send an email to”
Here are abstracts from the most recent meetings (also excerpted from that page):
[Jan. 21] Cisco/IBM c-type SAN Analytics
As Storage Area Networks continue to evolve so does the need to understand how and what is causing issues. This session will help introduce the newest Analytics features of IBM C-type. This technology as included in the 32Gbps platform provides the visualization that can answers to many of the questions that administrators are forced to answer every day. This SAN Analytics data is driven to provide visibility of the next generation high speed connectivity deployments which include 32Gbps Fibre Channel carrying both SCSI and NVMe traffic. This presentation will explain how to leverage the inbuilt always on technology of C-type SAN Analytics. We will discuss how to architect, deploy and use the data to solve real world issues that every administrator faces from differing IO sizes, Exchange Completion times, storage device response times, and slow drain information as well
[Jan. 14] Brocade/IBM b-type SAN Modernization
Do you need to modernize your Storage Network? Be Ready for what’s New and Beyond. Storage technologies are now based on silicon … not spinning disks … and massive changes are underway (NVMe over Fibre Channel being just the first step).
These changes in storage will place pressure squarely on the storage network so you must be ready with a modern SAN infrastructure to ensure optimum performance from your applications. If not, then bottlenecks move into the network, slowing your workloads. IBM b-type Gen 6 SANs are the proven modern infrastructure ready for
storage today and as it evolves. Learn about the products and powerful tools that will assess and prepare your network for what is coming over the next decade.”
Although most of us concentrate on servers and operating systems, all of our servers connect to storage. That’s incentive enough to learn about new function and capabilities, and discover what’s on the horizon.