The Roadmap to 2032 and Beyond Helps Ensure the Future of IBM i
November 30, 2020
In early 2020, organizations focused on moving to remote work and changing their operating model. However, issues on the table before the pandemic must still be resolved. For some businesses, the pandemic has cemented the need for flexible work environments, leveraging the latest in mobile software as well as implementing cloud, and integrating IoT technology […]
ArticlesIBM Introduces AI Platform to Accelerate Vaccine Design and Testing
November 2, 2020
Though the impact of COVID-19 has been arduous for many industries, some companies have met the challenge head on. Specifically, IBM introduced a new AI platform, RoboRXN, designed to support scientists in their efforts to discover and test new drugs. The platform is just one of the innovative tools for fighting the virus that have emerged in […]
ArticlesNavigator for i Graph History: Review Historical Data
October 15, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May continues her series about Navigator for i by discussing historical data
ArticlesAnnouncement Time: IBM i 7.4 TR3 and 7.3 TR9
October 6, 2020
Steve Will blogs about the latest IBM i TR.
ArticlesVirtual POWERUp 2020
September 17, 2020
The annual COMMON conference, POWERUp2020 is live this week as a virtual event. It’s sad that COMMON’s 60th anniversary cannot be celebrated in person, but the virtual conference is still a great opportunity for the best IBM i education in the industry. If you’re attending this event, you can network with speakers, partners, and other […]
New in ACS: Really Fast IFS and SQL Content Assist
August 12, 2020
In this You and i blog post, Steve Will explains new Access Client Solutions enhancements
ArticlesIBM i 7.4 TR2 and 7.3 TR8 PTF Groups Coming Soon
July 14, 2020
Steve Will blogs about the latest IBM i Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs).
ArticlesAwesome Run SQL Scripts Enhancements
July 1, 2020
Get familiar with enhancements made to Access Client Solutions from the past few updates.
ArticlesComing Soon: IBM i Milestone and Architecture Webcast
June 24, 2020
Steve Will writes about an upcoming webcast where you can watch an extended version of a popular presentation, as well as 12 years of IBM i.
ArticlesYour Most Common Open Source Questions, Answered!
June 15, 2020
What's the best place to start when you're new to open source on IBM i? This post covers all the best places to seek documentations, examples and other support.