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Zowe Launches IBM Z Toward Modern Computing

Andy Youniss

May 1, 2019

As data growth continues on an exponential curve, our ability to process it efficiently takes on outsized importance. Mainframes—the true workhorses of the computing world—can be worth their weight in gold to companies and engineers pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning or doing heavy data analysis. Most Fortune 500 companies use […]


Staying Current Is Crucial for IBM Z

Evelyn Hoover

May 1, 2019

To craft effective marketing campaigns requires an understanding of the technology. Taking the time to really dive in and gain an understanding is one piece of advice Priya Doty, vice president, Product Marketing, IBM Z* and LinuxONE*, offers young people interested in pursuing careers on the platform. It’s advice she also gained from working with […]


IBM CA/DR Solutions on Z Combat System Availability Threats

Sol Lederman

May 1, 2019

For a growing number of businesses, five nines is not enough availability. Operational and regulatory requirements are forcing a shift from high availability (HA) to continuous availability (CA). Cyberthreats add to the pressures to protect and quickly restore critical data. In order to maintain operations in the face of multiple challenges, it’s imperative that we […]


MQ for z/OS or z/OS Connect EE?

Matt Leming

May 1, 2019

When should I use MQ for z/OS or z/OS Connect EE to interact with my mainframe assets? For the last 25 years, MQ for z/OS* has been the communication mechanism of choice for clients who want to reliably and securely interact with their mainframe applications. More recently, z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition (zCEE) was introduced to […]


IBM’s Enhanced Cloud Strategy

Sol Lederman

March 1, 2019

IBM Cloud Private for IBM Z and LinuxONE extends IBM Cloud Private capabilities by bringing powerful cloud tools to the platform.


Improved Error Handling Increases Usability

Jim Schesvold

March 1, 2019

Errors can be managed, anticipated, controlled and sometimes resolved if an IT development unit is properly structured.


Finding an Effective IBM Z DevOps Solution

Gregory Sechuga

January 1, 2019

DevOps solutions for traditional z/OS* application delivery in relation to IBM Z* modernization is a common topic that’s been explored in many whitepapers, such as “DevOps for IBM Z: Modernizing IT and Future-Proofing Current Investments” ( But it’s not always easy to determine the best DevOps strategy for your business. In this article, we’ll discuss […]


Enabling Open-Source Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Keelia Estrada Moeller

January 1, 2019

IBM Z* Open Development is an entry-level toolset for z/OS* development teams who plan to transform their software delivery practices around a common, automated delivery pipeline. It provides the essential link Z developers need to join a platform neutral, continuous integration and deployment pipeline that’s inclusive of z/OS application components. Neat and Lean Developers must […]


Opening up the Mainframe

Keelia Estrada Moeller

January 1, 2019

Zowe, a new open-source framework, enables development and operations teams to securely manage, control, script and develop on the mainframe like any other cloud platform. The project was first announced Aug. 14 during SHARE in St. Louis by executives from IBM, CA Technologies, Rocket Software and the Open Mainframe Project. As the first open-source project […]


DevSecOps Matters for the Mainframe

Kristin Lewotsky

January 1, 2019

Today’s customers want new services and they want them now. To remain competitive and keep up with customer needs, organizations are seeking ways to innovate rapidly around some of their most valuable assets—customer data and enterprise data. At one time, the mainframe was viewed as an isolated system. Data was often moved to a different […]