What Skillset Is Needed for Enterprise Systems Success?
January 30, 2017
This is the first in a multi-part series on the key skills needed for success in enterprise computing. As research for this post and the ones to follow, I have gathered and analyzed information from job postings from companies looking to hire programmers, programmer/analysts and developers for jobs in mainframe computing. All Job Postings […]
ArticlesWays IT Teams Work: What Makes Them Effective?
January 6, 2017
Proactive communication, strong leadership and reliability are key elements of a successful IT team.
ArticlesIT Leaders Cite Cloud Computing as Top Priority for 2017
January 4, 2017
To gauge the technology directions its readers plan to take in 2017, we conducted an online poll in fall 2017.
ArticlesRealizing the Vision of Smart Cities
March 1, 2016
K.S. Ram Mohan describes smart cities and how they may come to life
ArticlesSam Knutson Believes Collaboration Helps Mainframes Evolve
January 16, 2016
Reg Harbeck talks with Sam Knutson, a prominent mainframer who has been involved in both the vendor side and private industry side on the platform. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg Harbeck: Hi, I'm here—this is Reg Harbeck. I'm here with Sam Knutson today and we […]