Harry Williams on Building the Next Generation of Mainframers
February 1, 2018
Reg Harbeck talks with Harry Williams about his involvement with SHARE and bringing new people to the platform. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg Harbeck: Hi. I'm Reg Harbeck and I'm here with Harry Williams, who is the president of SHARE. Harry has been really involved […]
ArticlesInstructor Brings the Mainframe to Eager Students
February 1, 2018
Phil Grabowski is passionate about the power of the mainframe. At the recent SHARE user group event, he chartered a bus so 29 students could experience the platform firsthand.
ArticlesIT Consolidation Is Both an Art and a Science
January 29, 2018
You might find the phrase “IT consolidation” to be cold or even unimaginative, so how can it be both an art and a science?
ArticlesIBM Z Addresses GDPR Compliance With Pervasive Encryption
January 2, 2018
Personal data should be treated as important, guarded information. The European Union (EU) has underscored this fact by establishing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect May 25. Cindy Compert, IBM cybersecurity leader, U.S. Public Sector Market, and CTO, data security and privacy, IBM Security, prefers to more informally call the GDPR “the […]
ArticlesIBM z14 Pervasive Encryption Protects All Data
January 2, 2018
In reality, encryption is largely absent from corporate data centers. The IBM z14 is poised to change that.
Andrew Hicks Celebrates Interest in the Mainframe and Building 3-D Printers
January 1, 2018
Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Andrew Hicks who is a new IBMer who is involved with the mainframe and a vast number of other really interesting things. I met him at SHARE and every conversation we’ve had has been so interesting that we absolutely had to do a zTalk […]
PodcastsConnor Krukosky Talks About His Unconventional Path into Mainframes and IBM
December 11, 2017
Reg Harbeck talks with Connor Krukosky, young mainframe enthusiast, about how he got into mainframes and what he loves about the IBM Z platform. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg Harbeck: Hi. This is Reg Harbeck and today I have the honor and pleasure of being […]
ArticlesDevOps Tricks: Integrate UrbanCode Deploy With zD&T for Software Deployments
December 4, 2017
IBM z Systems Development and Test Environment (zD&T) simplifies infrastructure requirements for mainframe development and testing.
PodcastsDenise Kalm on Coaching and Consulting Mainframers
November 13, 2017
Reg Harbeck talks with Denise Kalm, coach and consultant, about how younger mainframers can make an impact on the platform and logical next steps for experienced mainframers. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I'm talking with Denise Kalm. […]
ArticlesA Cloud Managed Service Provider Can Help With Data Protection
November 13, 2017
Data security is a critical component of a comprehensive risk management strategy. Organizations must analyze their security risk, taking into account factors such as industry, types of data being stored, the value of the data and the threats most likely to impact the business. Then they need to decide how much risk they’re willing to […]