What’s Up With Merlin? An Update From the CTO
September 21, 2023
In May 2022, along with the announcement of IBM i 7.5, we rolled out a new application development and modernization solution called IBM i Modernization Engine for Lifecycle Integration, or what we call Merlin for short. Merlin is an integrated set of tools that run in Red Hat OpenShift containers. The first set of tools […]
ArticlesA Student’s Journey Into Artificial Intelligence | Part 2: Winter Ends
September 21, 2023
In part two of this series, Mark Ray explores the end of the First AI Winter and the technological developments of the ‘80s and ‘90s
E-BooksHarness the Power of AI and IBM i Modernization
September 18, 2023
IBM’s Jason McGee and Rocket Software’s Puneet Kohli explain how AI is changing the way we think about modernization—and break down misconceptions about modernization on IBM i
ArticlesAn Early Warning System for Ransom Attacks and Mainframe Breaches
September 15, 2023
Most mainframe sites can’t afford to be down for more than a few minutes—let alone the hours or days required to respond to a cyberattack with conventional processes. What is needed is an early warning system to detect and neutralize the most common forms of malicious attacks. The Benefits and Risks of Encryption Encryption can […]
E-BooksEssential Strategies for Mainframe Modernization
September 14, 2023
IBM’s Jason McGee and Rocket Software’s Phil Buckellew and outline key considerations for maintaining the mainframe as a key element of your modern IT infrastructure
ArticlesIBM Support Insights: Infrastructure Management Simplified
September 7, 2023
Like many of you, my organization manages servers, switches, storage devices, etc., in multiple data centers located throughout and even outside of the country. With collections of devices this large, naturally, there are many challenges. How do you manage hardware inventories? How do you know when a new device is added to your environment? How […]
ArticlesUpcoming COMMON Events for Fall 2023
September 5, 2023
Summer is generally a quiet time for COMMON, but you can expect things to get busy again in the fall. And this year, there are some very exciting events on the schedule. IT Leadership Summit First, there will be a virtual IT Leadership Summit on September 7. The topic is “Generative AI and Security for […]
PodcastsShared Lives, Shared Careers…But Separate Offices
September 1, 2023
This transcript is lightly edited for clarity. Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. I’m sitting here today with a couple of luminaries, in my opinion, in the IBM i community, people who when you first come to think of education in our community, advancing the platform certainly in many different […]
ArticlesRedefining Modernization: Application Transformation
August 30, 2023
Anyone that works with a mainframe today understands that the mainframe is, indeed, already a modern machine. Just look at the new features with the z16. The key today is how do we optimize the mainframe to include the latest advancements and features of the mainframe. Optimizing allows the user to implement best practices based […]
ArticlesThe Subtle but Significant Differences Posed by Power10 Hardware and the New HMC
August 24, 2023
In March, Jaqui Lynch wrote about connecting HMCs to Power10 servers. If you’re in the process of moving to Power10/updating your HMCs, this is a must-read. If you’d like me to summarize it, I can do so in a pithy phrase: The only constant is change. The modern HMC has different connectivity methods compared to […]
ArticlesIBM Introduces Watsonx Code Assistant for Z
August 24, 2023
The generative AI solution is designed to expedite mainframe modernization efforts
ArticlesManage IBM i Jobs With Service Commander
August 22, 2023
IBM i can run more technology than ever before. As such, the types of jobs that can be run are quite diverse—ILE programs, Db2 tasks and PASE programs can happily coexist. This synergy is indeed powerful, but it does come with a cost. All these jobs can be difficult to manage! Consider the simple notion […]
VideoMainTegrity: Fight Back Against Ransomware
August 18, 2023
How to protect your mainframe and recover from malicious attacks
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MainTegrity Inc
Mainframe Security in the Age of AI
August 17, 2023
In theory, mainframe security should be easy—mainframes use RACF or similar products to control who can do what. However, security has never really been that easy, and today it definitely isn’t easy at all. The Challenges of Modern Mainframe Security First, mainframes aren’t little islands of computer processing anymore. They are intimately connected to the […]
ArticlesPOSIX-tivity and IBM Z
August 17, 2023
“Standard,” according to en.wiktionary.org, can be used as a noun that means, “Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations; a model.” The history of standards is a deeply interwoven thread through the history of humanity. But the emergence of computing and IT over the past century has been a somewhat special yarn. On one […]
ArticlesWhen the Latest and Greatest Isn’t That Great
August 15, 2023
I recently went on a wild ride while with family. Thanks to a last-minute cancellation, my sister and niece needed to get from Rochester, New York, to Newark, New Jersey, to catch their connecting flight home to Phoenix. That flight, from Newark was scheduled to leave around 8 p.m. We were notified of the cancellation […]
ArticlesThe Glass Is More Than Half Full: From Attack to Defense
August 8, 2023
Vertali’s Mark Wilson discusses why it’s time to change the mindset around mainframes and cyber threats—making the platform part of every cybersecurity conversation in the organization
ArticlesHarnessing the Power of AI in the Financial Industry
August 3, 2023
AI is all the rage in the tech industry as well as the mainstream media as more and more news stories talk about OpenAI and ChatGPT. But its capabilities extend beyond those generative uses. “Despite the lack of familiarity for most people, AI is a technology that’s transforming the way we do business, interact and, […]
ArticlesPerformance Implications for CICS Applications Using COBOL Version 6
August 2, 2023
Rocket Software’s Ezriel Gross highlights a methodology for CICS problem analysis and performance tuning—and shares how it led to a 92% savings in CPU for a heavily used transaction
ArticlesClosing the Mainframe Skills Gap With Diverse New Talent
July 31, 2023
How Albany State University’s Dr. Robert Owor is advocating for mainframe education and diversity in the technology ecosystem
ArticlesDetect and Eliminate Malware in Your Mainframe Systems
July 27, 2023
Seldom a day goes by when we don’t hear about the latest ransomware attack. This is the current scourge of the internet, and mainframes are not exempt. Spreading malware—or if you are an insider, even “renting” malware as a service—is as easy as a trip to the web. Attack vectors that include cryptomining executables, encrypting […]
VideoUnder the Hood with Maxava
July 26, 2023
Maxava’s Ash Giddings and Martin Norman offer expert insights on high availability and reveal key features of Maxava’s cutting-edge HA/DR solution for IBM i
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IBM i and the Difference Between Secure and Securable
July 25, 2023
This transcript is edited for clarity. Paul Tuohy: I’m delighted to be joined today by Amy Williams, who is the senior security services consultant with Fortra—whom some of you would probably remember as HelpSystems if you don’t know about the name change. So hello Amy. Amy Williams: Hello Paul. It’s so nice to be here […]
PodcastsPutting a Plan in Place for Cyber Resiliency
July 25, 2023
This transcript is edited for clarity. Reg Harbeck: Hi, I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Milt Rosberg, who is the global VP of worldwide sales, marketing, and business development at Vanguard Integrity Professionals and deeply rooted in the security industry since 1999 with also risk management at IBM. Milton Rosberg has worked […]
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Vanguard Integrity Professionals
5 Key Takeaways from IBM’s Watsonx Day
July 20, 2023
On June 21, IBM held watsonx Day, a virtual event that gave an in-depth look at the features and capabilities of the recently announced watsonx, a platform and suite of development management tools designed to multiply the impact of AI across businesses. The event featured 26 different panels with input from more than 40 experts […]