Blockchain Is Set to Streamline Markets and Transform Industries
May 1, 2017
Business is built on trust. The seller needs to trust the buyer to pay for goods. The buyer needs to trust that the seller will deliver those goods, and that they have the right to sell them to begin with. Financial institutions must trust one another to settle transactions. Other examples abound. To create an […]
ArticlesBlockchain Works With Systems of Record to Integrate Data
May 1, 2017
Distributed ledger technology blockchain links with existing systems of record (SOR) application servers and data managers. They share information and assets securely and immutably between external parties. It can be used to track the lifecycle of a car, a financial transaction or sources of food ingredients. (Learn more about how various industries are using the […]
ArticlesIBM Researchers Use Machine Learning to Make Storage Smarter
May 1, 2017
With the goal of helping us learn more about the universe, IBM and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) are collaborating on the IT roadmap behind the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), which will be the largest radio telescope in the world ( As part of this effort, called the DOME project, IBM developed a […]
ArticlesThe Power of User Groups
May 1, 2017
User groups have been an integral part of the IBM Power Systems* community for many years, from the Technical Collaboration Council to the Large User Group ( IBM i Offering Manager Alison Butterill often says that “user groups are a hidden gem of IBM i.” This true statement can be extended to AIX* and Linux* […]
ArticlesTrend Watch: Digital Business
April 24, 2017
This is the last post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis with a focus on digital business and how new systems of engagement (e.g., cloud and mobile devices) are changing the ways business is conducted through IT. Manual […]
ArticlesSubsystem Configuration Documentation
April 18, 2017
With the 7.3 release, the subsystem configuration information has been updated and incorporated into the Work Management topic within the IBM i Knowledge Center.
ArticlesTrend Watch: Java
April 17, 2017
This is the ninth post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis with a focus on the Java programming language. Remember when Java was new? Early Java The Java programming language has been around for decades so it is […]
ArticlesJohn Eells on his Journey to the Mainframe
April 17, 2017
Reg Harbeck talks with John Eells, a longtime IBMer, about his life before the mainframe, his journey with IBM and how he ended up at SHARE. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg: Hello. This is Reg Harbeck here and I'm here today with John Eells from […]
ArticlesTrend Watch: Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
April 10, 2017
This is the eighth post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. In this brief article, I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis with a focus on the subjects of business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA). Has BI and BA entered a new era in […]
ArticlesJohn Rhodes and Roger Hammer on Solving Customer IT Challenges
April 5, 2017
In this sponsored advertising content series, zTalk Business with Reg Harbeck, Reg talks with John Rhodes and Roger Hammer of CM First Group at SHARE in San Jose about their work developing tools for analyzing and documenting legacy applications, and how they help organizations and systems integrators understand their mainframe code and large system code. Reg: […]
ArticlesTrend Watch: Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services
April 3, 2017
This is the seventh post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. In this post, I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis with a focus on the subject of integration, and a discussion on service oriented architecture (SOA) and web services like representational state transfer (REST) […]
ArticlesTokenized Encryption: Details Become Design
April 3, 2017
Once a project such as PCI compliance is approved, the first step is to hold a kickoff meeting. There are numerous reasons for a kickoff meeting: The CIO affirms the project’s importance and defines objectives, team members can acquaint themselves with each other, determine deadlines, identify potential obstacles and possible solutions, and establish requirements. But […]
ArticlesTips for Techies on Showing the Value of Their Services
April 3, 2017
People with strong technical backgrounds may not consider themselves good sellers. They prefer to install, upgrade, migrate and troubleshoot. But selling is a skill everyone must use, even if no money actually changes hands. Applying for jobs, writing proposals and emails, and participating in meetings are all types of selling because they involve uncovering a […]
ArticlesWhat to Consider When Using a Cloud or Managed Service Provider
April 3, 2017
Workloads are getting bigger. To manage all of this information and application data, businesses have a few options: store workloads on a company-owned server, tap the storage space of a managed service provider (MSP) or go with a hybrid model that combines a private, on-premises cloud with an MSP. So, how does a business decide? […]
ArticlesKeep Data out of Danger
April 3, 2017
If you haven’t seen “Attack of the Killer LOBs” yet, it’s coming soon to a DB2* environment near you. No, this isn’t a new science fiction movie—it’s a lurking danger in your environment today. Your vital data may have already been compromised, leaving you with a customer service, legal and compliance nightmare. Even worse, because […]
ArticlesWhy Organizations Should Reconsider Their Current Chargeback Systems
April 1, 2017
Imagine Mary, Fred and George are gathered for a budget meeting with Ellen, their company’s CIO, to discuss another budget shortfall. Ellen asks, “What caused this million-dollar shortfall?” George says, “We think it’s related to the decision by accounting to shift one of their major workloads from our Power Systems* platforms to our VMware tower. […]
ArticlesPowerVM LinkedIn Group
March 28, 2017
PowerVM is IBM’s advanced virtualization on Power Systems. Learn more about it in the PowerVM LinkedIn group.
ArticlesTrend Watch: Security
March 27, 2017
This is the sixth post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. In this post, I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis by looking at the interesting and complex topic of security. z/OS Security When someone says “mainframe security” you probably think RACF. However, if you […]
ArticlesCopy an Open Spooled File
March 22, 2017
With IBM i 7.3, you can now copy an open spooled file.
ArticlesUsing BIF in Calculations Within DB2 Web Query for i
March 21, 2017
Built-in functions (BIFs) have been part of the IBM i ecosystem for years. This article examines the BIFs that are part of IBM DB2 Web Query for i.
ArticlesKeeping up With RDi Enhancements
March 21, 2017
Some recent RDi enhancements from V9.5.1 (September 2016) and V9.5.1.1 (December 2016). Covering RPG outline improvements and more
ArticlesTrend Watch: Open-Source Software
March 20, 2017
This is the fifth post in a multi-part series with a focus on trends that are interesting and important, specifically in enterprise computing. In this post, I’ll continue my point-in-time analysis of trends, this time looking at open-source software. Open-source software with mainframes is not an uncommon pairing. If in your everyday job you work […]
PodcastsBarry Schrager Looks at the State of Mainframes
March 20, 2017
Reg Harbeck talks with Barry Schrager who recounts his career and explains what’s missing among today's mainframe operators and administrators. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg: Hello. This is Reg Harbeck and I'm here today with Barry Schrager, who is the author of ACF2 and the […]
ArticlesIBM Research and Partners Help Traffic Run Smoothly in Madrid
March 20, 2017
Nearly every city plan takes traffic into account to help commuters. But people still face congestion on the road, whether they drive or take public transportation. IBM researchers, such as Paula Ta-Shma, research staff member, IBM Research–Haifa, are working to rectify that, using machine learning and a host of open-source tools. “IoT is leading the […]
ArticlesHow to Download Fixes
March 18, 2017
I still find customers that are unsure of how to download fixes, so I want to cover the steps that I use when I download fixes, using AIX 7.2 as an example.