Using BIF in Calculations Within DB2 Web Query for i
March 21, 2017
Built-in functions (BIFs) have been part of the IBM i ecosystem for years. This article examines the BIFs that are part of IBM DB2 Web Query for i.
ArticlesKeeping up With RDi Enhancements
March 21, 2017
Some recent RDi enhancements from V9.5.1 (September 2016) and V9.5.1.1 (December 2016). Covering RPG outline improvements and more
Articles5 Reasons to Use Free-Format RPG
August 16, 2016
Many RPGers have yet to move on from fixed-format code. Here are five reasons to jump on the free-format bandwagon
ArticlesRecycling RPG Programs as Stored Procedures, Part 2
April 18, 2012
Returning a result set using an SQL cursor; details on V7.1 support for RPG
ArticlesRecycling RPG as Stored Procedures
March 21, 2012
This article outlines the basics of turning an RPG program into a stored procedure
Building REST Web Services With RPG
February 22, 2012
This month’s article begins the process of answering one of the most common questions we’re asked lately: How do I create a Web service? Many people are now turning to RESTful Web services.
ArticlesMore REXX and TSO functions
December 1, 2008
In this primer in the REXX programming language you’ll get back to actually writing code, rather than dealing with environmental requirements.
ArticlesDebugging RPG IV Programs: The Green-Screen Way
December 1, 2007
Learn the secrets to debugging in green screen.
ArticlesSystem Programmers’ Tips and Tricks for ISPF Revisited
March 30, 2006
More on the ISPF Editor and SDSF.