Diving Deeper Into Web Services with DATA-INTO and DATA-GEN
June 1, 2020
Technical editors Jon Paris and Susan Gantner continue their series on DATA-INTO
ArticlesAIX 6.1 Running on POWER9? It Can Be Done.
May 31, 2020
The system software map comes in handy when a customer that was running AIX 6.1 on a POWER5 server wanted to migrate their LPAR to POWER9.
ArticlesDATA-INTO Plus DATA-GEN for Web Services
April 6, 2020
Combining these two RPG operations with the YAJL library simplifies using web services from RPG
ArticlesCelebrating 10 More Years of RPG Progress
February 3, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner reflect on a decade of progress for the RPG development language
ArticlesESS Mobile App Updates
January 7, 2020
The latest version of the IBM Entitled Systems Support mobile app puts asset management at your fingertips.
Tackling Unique Audit Requirements with RPG
December 16, 2019
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner share tips to tackle Data Structures and audit requirements
ArticlesLittle Things Mean a Lot in RDi 9.6
November 8, 2019
IBM i development experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner review new enhancements to RDi
ArticlesdeveloperWorks Connections Pages Are Going Away
October 29, 2019
Big news: IBM is sunsetting its entire developerWorks Connections platform.
ArticlesRetrieve Commands With F8
October 10, 2019
In this i Can blog post, IBM i expert Dawn May explains the latest RFE for the OS.
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.4 TR1
October 9, 2019
On Tuesday, October 8 2019, IBM made several announcements, including the first Technology Refresh for the IBM i 7.4 release, as well as TR 7 for 7.3.