Hybrid Cloud Is the Future of the Mainframe
November 29, 2023
In 1897, the New York Journal published a rumor that Mark Twain was dead. Hearing the news, Mark Twain is said to have replied, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” I have had the occasion to use it many times when discussing mainframe over the past 30 years. My first encounter with mainframe […]
E-BooksStreamline Mainframe Application Development
November 7, 2023
How a risk-managed approach to application development can enhance productivity and address staffing challenges
VideoAutomated Analysis and Transformation for Enterprise COBOL Applications
October 16, 2023
CM First's John Rhodes and Roger Hammer on modernizing enterprise COBOL applications
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CM First Group - IBM Z/mainframe
Announcing IBM i 7.5 TR3 and 7.4 TR9
October 10, 2023
Believe it or not, fall is here, which means it’s time for another IBM i announcement. The team has once again spent the summer traveling around the world listening to user feedback from our community and IBM i Advisory Councils and have delivered several key enhancements to our platform and Licensed Program Products (LPPs) that […]
ArticlesWhat’s Up With Merlin? An Update From the CTO
September 21, 2023
In May 2022, along with the announcement of IBM i 7.5, we rolled out a new application development and modernization solution called IBM i Modernization Engine for Lifecycle Integration, or what we call Merlin for short. Merlin is an integrated set of tools that run in Red Hat OpenShift containers. The first set of tools […]
Redefining Modernization: Application Transformation
August 30, 2023
Anyone that works with a mainframe today understands that the mainframe is, indeed, already a modern machine. Just look at the new features with the z16. The key today is how do we optimize the mainframe to include the latest advancements and features of the mainframe. Optimizing allows the user to implement best practices based […]
ArticlesIBM Introduces Watsonx Code Assistant for Z
August 24, 2023
The generative AI solution is designed to expedite mainframe modernization efforts
VideoHow to Introduce Modern Development Tools Successfully
July 14, 2023
Dawn May, president of COMMON, and Andy Finley, senior solutions engineer at Rocket Software, discuss how IBM i customers are taking advantage of new DevOps offerings
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Rocket Software - IBM Power
Experts at IBM i Modernization
July 11, 2023
COMMON president Dawn May and CM First Group's John Rhodes discuss current trends and technologies to modernize RPG and COBOL applications on the IBM i
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CM First Group - IBM Power
Top API Security Risks in 2023
July 5, 2023
“Modernize” seems to be the most popular word to go alongside mainframes these days. We’re always being told to modernize our applications by migrating part or all of them to the cloud. We’re also being told that we can modernize our business-critical mainframe applications by using APIs (application programming interfaces) to expose mainframe-based data and […]