Machine Learning on AIX
April 16, 2019
If you believe that machine learning is strictly for Linux, check out this IBM tutorial on installing and configuring Python machine learning packages on AIX.
ArticlesIBM Infrastructure’s Role in Cloud, AI and Security
March 1, 2019
Cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and security all have underpinnings in infrastructure—the servers, storage and software that power an organization. A purpose-built architecture is critical to achieving the performance needed for current and future business requirements. “Technology alone can’t transform a company, but it’s a very essential ingredient in business transformation,” says Tom Rosamilia, senior vice […]
ArticlesAI-Driven Technological Progress
January 1, 2019
The rate of change for how most tasks in the world are done is accelerating. Like many readers of this publication, I have enough history to contemplate how life was four or five decades ago compared to today. Technological advances have dramatically transformed many life experiences as well as business operations. It’s fair to conclude […]
ArticlesPOWER9 for IBM i and the Announcement of 7.3 TR 4
February 14, 2018
Today, February 13, 2018, is announce day for the Technology Refresh 4 (TR4) of IBM i 7.3 and TR8 of IBM i 7.2. In line with our IBM i communication strategy, this blog will cover highlights of the announcement, and further information will be found starting today on the IBM i site on, the […]
ArticlesIBM PowerAI Brings Together AI Solutions for Enterprises
December 1, 2017
When you’re big, it’s tough to be quick. The artificial intelligence (AI) boom has sent some startups soaring into the future, but it’s left some big enterprises planted in the past. “Every industry is being disrupted by AI startups—FinTech tools in the banking industry, self-driven cars in the auto industry—these new companies are using AI […]
HAL 9000. Samantha. KITT. Alexa. Siri. Bixby. Watson.
July 5, 2017
Movies, TV and companies have made artificial intelligence (AI) humanistic with catchy names, appealing voices and unique personalities. You have probably experienced AI via a virtual assistant, seen a Google self-driving car on the road or even implemented an IBM Watson* project in your organization. You’ve probably also heard the terms machine learning, deep learning […]
ArticlesHow Deep Learning Reveals Data Insights
March 1, 2017
The average human brain has more than 80 billion neurons. The common fruit fly’s brain has about 250,000. Early artificial neural networks (ANNs)—computer systems inspired by the human brain—had even fewer neurons than a fruit fly. “If all you can cough up is the intelligence of a fruit fly, you’re not going very far in […]
ArticlesSQL Stored Procedure Tutorial
February 1, 2017
How to use a SQL stored procedure for data retrieval to feed a DB2 Web Query for i dashboard document.