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The Roadmap to 2032 and Beyond Helps Ensure the Future of IBM i

Jennifer Goforth Gregory

November 30, 2020

In early 2020, organizations focused on moving to remote work and changing their operating model. However, issues on the table before the pandemic must still be resolved. For some businesses, the pandemic has cemented the need for flexible work environments, leveraging the latest in mobile software as well as implementing cloud, and integrating IoT technology […]


Expanding Cloud Capabilities

Jennifer Goforth Gregory

November 2, 2020

As organizations look for new ways to engage clients with new experiences and digital services outside of their traditional offerings, many begin to realize that options are limited by their cloud infrastructure. Without the agility to quickly deploy new applications, organizations lose their competitive edge and even their clients. Instead of losing market share, organizations […]


Sensitive Data Control

Jim Utsler

September 1, 2020

It’s an unfortunate fact of business life that bad actors are out there trolling for sensitive data. For them, the risk-reward is relatively low. For those whose data is breached, though, the costs can be exorbitant, whether from loss of intellectual property (IP), being socked with massive fines or losing customer goodwill. The news isn’t […]


IBM Tools Support Layered Data Privacy and Protection

Kristin Lewotsky

July 23, 2020

Data today is on the move. It’s traveling from the server to the storage area network, from the enterprise into the cloud, or even to third parties. Although the IBM Z® platform protects data on the platform with pervasive encryption, the data can be vulnerable the moment it leaves the mainframe. Data can be breached […]


The Business Value of the Transformative IBM Z Platform

Angela Fresne

May 5, 2020

Your customers require you to provide digital products and services in an always-on environment. This, in turn, drives the need for digital transformation. Digital transformation is about more than integrating new technology capabilities. It’s about rethinking your old operating models, experimenting and becoming Agile in responding to the market. It’s a state of mind as […]


Business From the Cloud

Neil Tardy

May 4, 2020

Almost a decade ago, some vendors implored users to get “to the cloud.” As sloganeering goes, it was catchy, but if anything, it oversimplified and undersold the potential of this transformational technology. These days, cloud is a ubiquitous presence in IT. In a 2019 survey of 800 companies, Flexera Software, a provider of IT assessment […]


Meet the New IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III Models

Karen E Lewis

April 14, 2020

Every client’s cloud journey is unique—there’s no one-size-fits-all. But most organizations are or will soon be operating in a hybrid multicloud environment. In this environment, you are challenged to keep data secured, systems available and costs manageable. Meeting these challenges requires the right IT infrastructure. Enter the New IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE Models New […]


Modernization Carries Varied Meanings for Different People

Jim Zell

March 23, 2020

When the IBM z15 was announced I couldn’t wait to read the information about the advancements and changes that we would all see. I quickly read about System Recovery Boost, integrated zEDC compression, standard rack space frame, double cache density on each chip, etc. The modern mainframe; the fastest, most resilient and high availability, commercially-available […]


z15: Next-Gen Security and Resiliency for Hybrid Multicloud

Angela Fresne

September 12, 2019

On Sept. 12, IBM announced the new IBM z15. The mantra for this new generation of the enterprise platform is “the cloud you want with the privacy and security you need,” announcing to the world that IBM Z is ready to help integrate sensitive workloads into the hybrid multicloud. IBM is rolling out major steps […]


Compute Trends and the Evolution of the IBM Mainframe

Phil Weintraub

July 18, 2019

The past 40-plus years of commercial computing has been a story of three waves (acts) of increasing integration of processes coupled with increasing scale of computing. This article describes each wave, and provides insights of where the current wave of cloud computing is heading. For many of the world’s largest enterprises, modern businesses were built […]