TechChannel E-book: How to Combat Remote Work Security Risks
May 10, 2021
How remote work has influenced data security trends, and what you can do to keep your data locked down
ArticlesThe Rise of Edge Infrastructure Storage
May 6, 2021
Hybrid cloud has changed the way business gets done. Its growth has also brought about the need to manage the edge of the network, which is often geographically dispersed and disconnected from the data. According to an IDC report, the number of operational processes deployed on edge infrastructure is expected to grow from less than […]
ArticlesThink 2021 Spotlights Hybrid Cloud and AI
April 29, 2021
To the IBM Z community: The IBM flagship digital event, Think 2021 (follow the hashtag: #think2021) is back in May! Hybrid cloud and AI is a foundational theme with this year’s reimagined conference. Think 2021 will deliver curated content and enable engagement with others who are using technology to make a difference. Your time is valuable! Now […]
ArticlesIBM Announces Major Innovations Across Its Storage Portfolio
April 27, 2021
Today, April 27, 2021, IBM announced key innovations across the storage portfolio, designed for improving access to, and management of, data across hybrid cloud environments. First, the company announced a plan to launch a new container-native software defined storage (SDS) solution, IBM Spectrum Fusion, in the second half of 2021. The first incarnation is planned […]
ArticlesCloud Computing to Address Europe’s Growing Data Infrastructure Needs
April 15, 2021
Rapid penetration of IoT technologies and proliferating smartphone usage has prompted a growth in big data applications. This, in turn, has led to the accelerated development of data centers worldwide. In Europe, in light of the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, several noted companies like Microsoft, Alibaba and NTT have made strategic investments […]
Cloud POS Adoption Skyrockets in Retail Equipped With AI-Based Capabilities
April 1, 2021
Until recently, the go-to solution for most brick and mortar retail stores to save their point-of-sale (POS) data, including product price lists and transaction records, was local platforms. These include a range of solutions, from on-premises PCs or servers to larger service provider network servers. However, many retailers have been making a shift towards online […]
ArticlesMainframes and Cloud Computing
March 29, 2021
We all know what mainframes are—the best and most secure, scalable, and available computing platform—but what exactly is the cloud? Cloud computing started off as design idea on diagrams for unspecified routing and hardware, that the viewer didn’t need to worry about. The important parts of the diagram were around the cloud. More recently, the […]
ArticlesExploiting IBM i in a Hybrid Cloud Enterprise Architecture
March 26, 2021
Dominick Pagnotta’s career has come full circle. He began working in IT “well before Windows and Linux,” he says, and first developed applications on AS/400, or even its predecessors. He watched as technology evolved, but now, as CIO of Rochester Drug Cooperative, he oversees new employees developing applications using modern languages on IBM i. Learn how […]
ArticlesCloud Market Continues to Grow With Amazon Leading the Pack
February 19, 2021
Recent reports from the Synergy Research Group show that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leader in the cloud infrastructure market. AWS is Amazon’s cloud platform, and its market share made up 32% of the $37 billion cloud market in the fourth quarter of 2020. This is about $4 billion higher than the third quarter […]
ArticlesNoSQL Databases: Frequently Asked Questions
January 25, 2021
Q: What is NoSQL? When you hear someone use the term NoSQL, they’re referring to non-relational databases. Some people will tell you that NoSQL stands for “non SQL.” However, the more fitting term is “not only SQL” as some NoSQL databases continue to support SQL. NoSQL databases utilize a flexible system of storing data, compared […]