Announcing Anaconda for LinuxONE and IBM Z
May 20, 2021
For many data scientists, having access to AI projects on any data platform is not only more productive, but very important to the success of the technology. In fact, according to the new “Global AI Adoption Index 2021,” commissioned by IBM in partnership with Morning Consult, 90% of IT professionals say that being able to run their […]
ArticlesContainerized Data Services and Software-Defined Storage Come to IBM Z
May 19, 2021
After an unforgettable 2020, this year is filled with hope. The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway and we are slowly going back to a new normal. After these eventful past 12 months, there’s a quote by author Hillary DePiano that describes well what to do next: “You can get excited about the future. The past […]
ArticlesIntroducing IBM LinuxONE III Express
May 18, 2021
Cloud technology has been growing in popularity for several years, as data-driven, app-based technology has become an integral function of daily life. From business applications to consumer solutions, the cloud is a staple for storing and managing data. To meet the cloud-based data needs of various tech workflows while maintaining a high security standard at […]
ArticlesThink 2021 Spotlights Hybrid Cloud and AI
April 29, 2021
To the IBM Z community: The IBM flagship digital event, Think 2021 (follow the hashtag: #think2021) is back in May! Hybrid cloud and AI is a foundational theme with this year’s reimagined conference. Think 2021 will deliver curated content and enable engagement with others who are using technology to make a difference. Your time is valuable! Now […]
ArticlesIBM Announces Major Innovations Across Its Storage Portfolio
April 27, 2021
Today, April 27, 2021, IBM announced key innovations across the storage portfolio, designed for improving access to, and management of, data across hybrid cloud environments. First, the company announced a plan to launch a new container-native software defined storage (SDS) solution, IBM Spectrum Fusion, in the second half of 2021. The first incarnation is planned […]
Cloud Computing to Address Europe’s Growing Data Infrastructure Needs
April 15, 2021
Rapid penetration of IoT technologies and proliferating smartphone usage has prompted a growth in big data applications. This, in turn, has led to the accelerated development of data centers worldwide. In Europe, in light of the global crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, several noted companies like Microsoft, Alibaba and NTT have made strategic investments […]
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: How Open Source Bolsters Power Systems Modernization and Hybrid Cloud Strategies
April 13, 2021
With its built-in reliability, security, stability and availability, the IBM Power Systems platform is ideal for hosting critical enterprise workloads across hybrid cloud infrastructures. These strengths, paired with open-source integration, can help organizations keep data ready for modern innovations. Many Power Systems clients already rely on open-source software to modernize applications, develop and grow hybrid […]
ArticlesMainframes and Cloud Computing
March 29, 2021
We all know what mainframes are—the best and most secure, scalable, and available computing platform—but what exactly is the cloud? Cloud computing started off as design idea on diagrams for unspecified routing and hardware, that the viewer didn’t need to worry about. The important parts of the diagram were around the cloud. More recently, the […]
ArticlesExploiting IBM i in a Hybrid Cloud Enterprise Architecture
March 26, 2021
Dominick Pagnotta’s career has come full circle. He began working in IT “well before Windows and Linux,” he says, and first developed applications on AS/400, or even its predecessors. He watched as technology evolved, but now, as CIO of Rochester Drug Cooperative, he oversees new employees developing applications using modern languages on IBM i. Learn how […]
ArticlesLooking Back at 2020: Changes, Innovations and More
January 8, 2021
2020 must have been the year that no-one expected in the early hours January 1 as they celebrated its arrival. According to the Collins Dictionary, the word “lockdown” had a 6,000% increase in usage since 2019. The other pandemic-related words on the dictionary’s list of the top 10 words for 2020 were: “coronavirus,” “social distancing,” […]