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The Power of Preparedness: Harnessing Resiliency to Mitigate Mayhem

Business leaders today face significant challenges. Skyrocketing cybercrime, climate-related natural disasters, pandemics and geopolitical unrest to name a few. These threats are not only more frequent than ever; their impacts can also last longer. Mayhem like this is costly!

For Fortune 1000 companies, downtime can cost over $1 million per hour. The average security breach now reaches $4.2 million. This is hardly surprising since it can take just seconds for hackers to compromise your data, credibility and brand image.

Despite these challenges, businesses still need to drive growth. This tension has raised resiliency as a critical boardroom topic. The question isn’t whether your company will need to address a crisis. It’s when. And, more importantly, whether you’re prepared so you can bounce back quickly.

This is where the mainframe shines. Unmatched power, security and availability make the mainframe perfect for delivering on a business’s resiliency goals as well as its overall business success. The exponential growth of data and online transactions only increases the platform’s importance. This makes it essential to ensure you get the most out of it by following best practices and staying current with the latest tools and capabilities.

7 Resiliency Planning Tips

True resiliency isn’t a fixed state you arrive at. It’s an ongoing process. Done properly, resiliency pays dividends and drives brand value by giving customers confidence that their experience will consistently meet or surpass their expectations.

Here are some helpful resiliency planning tips:
1. Work with a partner, like Broadcom, to develop best practices that successfully align your IT resiliency with the business.
2. Prioritize testing and integrate it into your development process.
3. Make data available through open APIs to enable observability. This will yield critical insights so you can rapidly diagnose and adjust for problems.
4. Simplify your change management process so it’s easier to find the root cause of issues.
5. Design for automated recovery whenever possible.
6. Develop a comprehensive incident management plan for dealing with issues that require manual resolution.
7. Adopt a “no blame” culture to encourage open communication among team members. This can aid problem resolution and recovery.

Even in uncertain times, you’ll thrive despite the mayhem with proper resiliency planning, the mainframe and the right partner!