How Crypto Revolutions in the Financial Industry Link to Modern-Day Conceptions of Fintech
March 16, 2020
The financial sector experienced turmoil in the past decade. We don’t have to hand cash or credit cards to our taxi drivers anymore as we can use an app instead. Furthermore, we can easily send money to our friends and family via Payoneer and Paypal, never leaving the comfort of our homes. What’s more, today […]
ArticlesHomer Ahr Reflects on Working Mission Control for the NASA Apollo Space Program
March 2, 2020
Growing up in the midst of Sputnik and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Homer Ahr’s interests in the space program were piqued early. Ahr became a computer operator for a construction company in his early college years. Inspired to further his career, he taught himself how to program in FORTRAN. Ahr was later asked to work […]
ArticlesThe Many Faces of Application Creation: Part 1
February 20, 2020
While my career has mostly been consulting, marketing, systems programming and management, I’ve also had numerous engagements in application programming and design. A class in COBOL was my first IT experience, and in my MBA program, I learned Fortran and General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS) in Operations Research classes. In 1975, I rewrote a broken […]
ArticlesAccess Client Solutions is Now Shipped with IBM i
February 18, 2020
In this i Can blog post, Dawn May shares another way to stay current with ACS updates.
ArticlesThe z15 Represents a Huge Leap for IBM Z
February 6, 2020
Mainframe computing has been changing and growing for over 60 years, but the IBM z15 is more like a giant leap than a step increment in the IBM Z architecture.
IBM i in 2020: 2020 iSight & New Homes for IBM i information
February 6, 2020
It’s finally time for my first blog post of 2020. I have a couple of things I need to talk about to start the year, so let’s get to them. First, I want to encourage you to read the new 2020 iSight blog. This year, we want to help clients, ISVs, business partners—the whole IBM i […]
ArticlesCelebrating 10 More Years of RPG Progress
February 3, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner reflect on a decade of progress for the RPG development language
ArticlesLaticia Carrow on Community and Completing the Master the Mainframe Contest
February 3, 2020
Reg Harbeck: Hi this is Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Laticia Carrow who is a brand new mainframer who has basically had an amazing journey getting to the mainframe, doing the Master the Mainframe, doing an apprenticeship. Well before I tell you all about her, Laticia tell us about yourself. How did you […]
ArticlesMobile Applications for IBM i Enable Business Continuity
February 3, 2020
Cellphones and mobile devices, long a part of our daily lives, have also become essential in the world of business. That’s certainly the case for Alan Seiden. As head of Seiden Group, a consulting firm specializing in application development and modernization on the IBM i platform, Seiden manages his business from his phone. When traveling […]
Articlesz15 Reflects That IBM Is Working Even Closer With Customers
February 2, 2020
As IBM is working even closer with clients, new functions are being released often with a powerful amalgamation of hardware and software working in deep collaboration.