Angela Fresne
Angela has worked with IBM for over 25 years in various marketing and business roles. She currently is responsible for IBM TechU business development and curriculum management.
The Business Value of the Transformative IBM Z Platform
May 5, 2020
Your customers require you to provide digital products and services in an always-on environment. This, in turn, drives the need for digital transformation. Digital transformation is about more than integrating new technology capabilities. It’s about rethinking your old operating models, experimenting and becoming Agile in responding to the market. It’s a state of mind as […]
ArticlesIBM TechU Talks Deliver Free, Technical Training Webcasts
April 9, 2020
During this unprecedented challenge, our dependency on IT professionals and technology is higher than ever. As face-to-face events continue to be postponed, IBM TechU is offering a free 12-week training series, IBM TechU Talks, to accelerate essential recovery and transformation of global businesses. The series provides technical insight on key topics ranging from cloud, security […]
Articlesz15: Next-Gen Security and Resiliency for Hybrid Multicloud
September 12, 2019
On Sept. 12, IBM announced the new IBM z15. The mantra for this new generation of the enterprise platform is “the cloud you want with the privacy and security you need,” announcing to the world that IBM Z is ready to help integrate sensitive workloads into the hybrid multicloud. IBM is rolling out major steps […]