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Courtney Welu


Courtney Welu is an editorial assistant.

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What Coding Language Should You Teach Yourself?

Courtney Welu

January 25, 2021

Coding and programming are major additions to any worker’s skillset and can make the job market a much easier place to navigate. Companies everywhere are looking for candidates who are already trained in various coding languages, and the good news is that with all the online resources available for free, it’s easy to teach yourself […]


The Future of Virtual Events

Courtney Welu

December 22, 2020

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Angela Brown, SVP and GM of events for The Linux Foundation, and her team had to pivot quickly to figure out what their virtual events strategy would look like. “One misconception is that virtual events are easier to put on than a physical event,” Brown says. “Most people would assume […]


Mainframe Executives From Across the Industry on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

Courtney Welu

December 4, 2020

On November 12, 2020, Broadcom, IBM, Rocket Software, VirtualZ Computing and IBM Systems Media sponsored “Making Our Strong Community, Stronger,” a webinar on diversity, inclusion and equity that posed the question to mainframe leaders: “What are you doing about it?” Dr. Gloria Chance moderated the event, discussing current diversity efforts at the four companies, why […]


Get Involved With the IBM Community

Courtney Welu

November 17, 2020

Innovation has become a regular part of the technology industry. But the community in this industry can be just as influential as technological innovation—something that’s become increasingly clear since the IBM Community was created two years ago. In that short amount of time, the IBM Community has grown to over 76,000 active members, and ranges […]


Open Mainframe Summit Celebrates Successful First Annual Event

Courtney Welu

October 26, 2020

On Sept. 16 and 17, 2020, the Open Mainframe Project held the first inaugural Open Mainframe Summit, which brought together several members of the IBM Z® community, including students, educators and industry professionals, to share their insights on the mainframe. The virtual event gave mainframers a chance to connect online to share best practices, discuss […]


Attend a Virtual Community Day With IBM Z

Courtney Welu

September 14, 2020

On September 15, IBM will host a high-end computing virtual conference called IBM Z Day, which demonstrates the possibilities and potential of Z technology. Students and up-and-comers in the tech industry will learn why they should embrace the platform. From the extremely high demand for developers with IBM Z skills and developers to the high […]


Meet the 2019 Master the Mainframe Winners

Courtney Welu

July 1, 2020

For 15 years, IBM’s Master the Mainframe competition has introduced students to the world of programming. Participants come from a wide variety of countries and backgrounds, but they all share a common desire to learn and the tenacity to persist. The 12 winners of the 2019 competition include two high school students just starting their […]


COBOL Training Course Aims to Educate New Mainframers

Courtney Welu

June 9, 2020

In response to the technical challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, Open Mainframe Project announced a COBOL Training Course that offers introductory-level COBOL programming materials with VS Code. COBOL helps run some of the most mission-critical applications within mainframe systems in large companies across the world, and is a necessity to maintaining the performance of […]


CodeTheCurve Winners Announced

Courtney Welu

May 5, 2020

The UNESCO-organized CodeTheCurve global hackathon came to a close this week after 34 teams from 26 countries submitted their digital innovation solutions to help fight COVID-19. The seven day learning and hacking journey involved courses in professional development, entrepreneurship, and hands-on tech skills. Within these categories, learning sessions included building cross-functional teams, storytelling, personal branding, […]


CodeTheCurve Hackathon Teams Announced

Courtney Welu

April 23, 2020

On April 20, the UNESCO-organized CodeTheCurve announced the 40 teams selected to compete in the virtual hackathon created to combat COVID-19 through technological innovation. Nearly 200 teams from across the world submitted videos to participate in the competition, and 40 teams from approximately 30 countries will compete for the grand prize. The teams, made up […]