Gene Rebeck
Gene Rebeck is a freelance writer based in Duluth, Minnesota.
New and Established IBM Offerings Meet Enterprise Data Protection Needs
March 1, 2018
With all of the massive, high-profile data breaches that large enterprises have experienced over the past several years, businesses of all sizes have responded by erecting heavy digital fortifications around their data. Or maybe they haven’t. “What’s kind of alarming is that while a lot of clients understand the risk with the need to protect […]
ArticlesNew IBM z14 Capabilities Make it Easy to Get Started in the Cloud
November 1, 2017
July’s IBM z14* announcement features technology to make cloud computing easier for IBM Z* organizations. With a strong focus on pervasive encryption—where organizations can encrypt data associated with an entire application, cloud service or database in flight or at rest (ibm.co/2fzkphp)—encrypted APIs, a new pricing model, blockchain services and more, clients can feel safer about […]
ArticlesIBM Machine Learning for z/OS Gives Clients the Tools to Make Better, Faster Decisions
July 5, 2017
A customer seeks a home-improvement loan to accommodate her growing home-based business. The bank’s loan officer looks at her credit score. It’s not bad, but it also suggests there’s a high probability she won’t be able to pay back the loan. The loan officer says as much to his manager. Not long thereafter, his boss […]
ArticlesIBM Lab Services Helps Clients Stay Vigilant Against Data Hackers
June 1, 2017
In July 2015, an operator noticed some heavy UNIX* System Service (USS) activity that seemed highly suspicious. Some scripts were sending spam messages all over the world from the client’s mainframe. The client called IBM Systems Lab Services for z Systems* and LinuxONE*, and the Lab Services team sprang into action. The team of highly […]
ArticlesWhat to Consider When Using a Cloud or Managed Service Provider
April 3, 2017
Workloads are getting bigger. To manage all of this information and application data, businesses have a few options: store workloads on a company-owned server, tap the storage space of a managed service provider (MSP) or go with a hybrid model that combines a private, on-premises cloud with an MSP. So, how does a business decide? […]