Reg Harbeck
Reg Harbeck is a mainframe enthusiast who has been working in IT and mainframes for over three decades. During that time, he has worked with operating systems, networks, computing security, middleware, applications and platforms ranging from Apple II Plus and MS-DOS PCs to leading edge IBM Z Mainframes. Reg has written, presented and consulted on mainframe-related matters around the world, visiting every continent but Antarctica (so far…), and is very involved in the mainframe culture and ecosystem, especially including SHARE and numerous articles and podcasts about the mainframe (such as zTalk). Reg is the chief strategist at Mainframe Analytics ltd.
A note from Reg:
“Two of my favorite things to do are reading and being with my kids—so I especially love reading to them. I read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy among many other things to my two oldest kids as they grew up, and I now have a grandson and son who are both under five years old, to whom I can start reading more and more complex literature as they grow up. That truly makes me happy.”
On the Mainframe and a Changing, Challenging IT World
November 17, 2023
Joe Winchester of IBM Hursley and Reg Harbeck engage in a discussion and debate on ISPF, molecular biology and the cello
PodcastsThe Balancing Act Between Security and Maintenance
November 10, 2023
This transcript is edited for clarity. Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck and today I am here with Milt Rosberg, who is the global VP at Vanguard Integrity Professionals, and we’re here to talk about patch management. Now Milt and I are both mainframers by background, so we have a particular experience with what the […]
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Vanguard Integrity Professionals
Continuity and the Mainframe Ecosystem
November 1, 2023
I was just chatting with a colleague from a small mainframe software startup, and we were brainstorming about how to get organizations that have mainframes to wake up and invest in the future of the platform. During our conversation, I mentioned the “Mainframe Continuity Planning” white paper I’d written in 2004 about the need to […]
VideoAutomated Analysis and Transformation for Enterprise COBOL Applications
October 16, 2023
CM First's John Rhodes and Roger Hammer on modernizing enterprise COBOL applications
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CM First Group - IBM Z/mainframe
MainTegrity: Fight Back Against Ransomware
August 18, 2023
How to protect your mainframe and recover from malicious attacks
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MainTegrity Inc
POSIX-tivity and IBM Z
August 17, 2023
“Standard,” according to en.wiktionary.org, can be used as a noun that means, “Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations; a model.” The history of standards is a deeply interwoven thread through the history of humanity. But the emergence of computing and IT over the past century has been a somewhat special yarn. On one […]
PodcastsPutting a Plan in Place for Cyber Resiliency
July 25, 2023
This transcript is edited for clarity. Reg Harbeck: Hi, I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Milt Rosberg, who is the global VP of worldwide sales, marketing, and business development at Vanguard Integrity Professionals and deeply rooted in the security industry since 1999 with also risk management at IBM. Milton Rosberg has worked […]
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Vanguard Integrity Professionals
First Steps for Making Hybrid Cloud a Reality in Your Organization
July 11, 2023
Rocket Software's Jeff Cherrington discusses key use cases for hybrid cloud and explains how to expand your existing IBM zSystems or Power Systems infrastructure with hybrid cloud strategies
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Rocket Software - IBM Z/mainframe
Fake It After You Make It: Emulation and the Mainframe
May 25, 2023
I get a kick out of how many technical terms and concepts predate electronic computing and have become so pervasive in their IT usage that we’ve often forgotten about their analog origins and meanings. The most obvious of these is probably “computer.” Another one of those terms is “emulate.” Although it might seem a bit […]
PodcastsKai Stroh on Db2: A Not So Simple Relational Database
May 24, 2023
This transcript is edited for clarity. Reg Harbeck: Hi, I'm Reg Harbeck and today I'm here with Kai Stroh, who is the head of mainframe development at UBS Hainer. Welcome. Kai, tell us how did you end up on the mainframe? Kai Stroh: Hey Reg, thanks for having me. How did I end […]
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UBS Hainer