Determining the Size of QTEMP

I have a very short update this week.
The blog entry “QTEMP – Temporary or Permanent Storage,” was written before IBM i 7.2 was available, but it’s still applicable. That blog explained how storage used by a job’s QTEMP library is actually permanent storage, and it also included some tips on how to determine the size of QTEMP for a job.
In the 7.2 release, the List Job (QUSLJOB) and the Open List of Jobs (QGYOLJOB) APIs were enhanced to return the size of QTEMP. The value returned is simply the amount of storage used by objects in the job’s temporary library. These APIs provide a simpler approach to determining the size of a job’s temporary library than many of the other options that were previously available.
I suspect a few readers may be asking, “What about accessing this information with an IBM i service?” I have already asked Scott Forstie to consider this for a future enhancement.