RFE Moves From developerWorks to IBM Ideas

IBM now has a company-wide user interface where clients can submit requests for enhancements (RFEs) to any IBM product, and IBM i and RDi just transitioned to that tool in March.
For years IBM i and RDi requests have been submitted using the developerWorks RFE tool, where you could vote and comment on these requests for enhancements. For those of you who submitted requests, thank you for your participation in the RFE process—it has helped us to glean ideas for ways we can improve our products in ways that make a difference to you. However, not all IBM products were using the same tools which meant there were times you had to learn multiple tools and know which ones applied to which IBM products.
By the time you read this, IBM i and RDi RFEs will have been migrated to IBM Ideas, the single company-wide tool that will collect ideas for all IBM products. IBM Ideas has an enhanced look and feel that we believe will be easy to learn to navigate and continue the collaboration we’ve enjoyed in the past.
Rest assured that the existing RFEs weren’t lost—they indeed moved to IBM Ideas to continue through the process of being considered by the IBM i and RDi teams and reach a decision as to whether they can be implemented.
Please see this blog post in the IBM Community for more details and handy links into the IBM Ideas tool.
We count on hearing from all of you in the IBM i Community to ensure we are meeting the needs of your businesses. Please continue the collaboration.