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What Does the Future Hold for Open Source?

Jesse Gorzinski

July 23, 2021

First and foremost, let me say: it’s good to be back! As some of you have noticed, my blog has been “off the grid” for a while. However, I am thankful to have found my blog’s new home, and it’s a pleasure to be working with the great folks at TechChannel to make that happen. […]


Understanding Disk Space Utilization With IBM i Navigator Performance Tasks

Dawn May

July 14, 2021

Disk space utilization is simply how much of your available disk space is in use. Understanding disk space utilization is something all shops need to do since disk space utilization tends to creep up over time. In my experience, those who are not proactive in understanding where their disk space is going often end up […]


What You Need to Know About Hiring for IBM i in 2021

Jim Buck

July 14, 2021

A major shift in the workforce since the pandemic hit in 2020 has greatly impacted just about every industry, including IBM i. With the shift to work from home and many industries negatively affected by cutbacks and closures, numerous professionals are seeking less traditional means of employment. For the IBM i industry, these changes can […]


IBM i Navigator System Monitors

Dawn May

July 6, 2021

Everyone should be proactively monitoring key metrics on IBM i. If you’re not already monitoring your system, I recommend getting started with IBM i System Monitors, which are included with Navigator for i. The feature article, Monitor Your IBM i Application and System Health, reviews why you should proactively monitor your system; this blog post shows you how to get […]


Susan Gantner, Jon Paris and Paul Tuohy on the Future of Virtual Conferences

Charlie Guarino

July 1, 2021

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk. This is Charlie Guarino and today we are doing a departure from our traditional podcasts. In the past, it's always been one on one where we have one person, and we have an entire interview about that, but we're doing a different format today. If I […]


Steve Bradshaw Discusses the Global IBM i Community and NVMe

Paul Tuohy

July 1, 2021

Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. I'm delighted to be joined today by my friend and IBM Champion Steve Bradshaw. Hi Steve.   Steve Bradshaw: Hey Paul, how you doing?   Paul: I'm doing well thank you. I hope you're the same. Steve, I've done an iTalk with you before, but I just […]


Where to Find the Next Generation of IBM i Developers

Jim Buck

June 14, 2021

Finding qualified developers is the single most important issue employers on IBM i face today. The issue is two-fold: there are less people in the workforce with IBM i experience and many developers with experience don’t have the modern knowledge to stay current. Today’s college degrees very seldom, if ever, contain IBM i education leaving very […]


Consolidate SQL Educational Resources With the SQL Tutor

Dawn May

June 8, 2021

Developers often use SQL to access data in Db2 for i. With the ever-increasing number of IBM i Services, system administrators have a need to learn SQL as well. Regardless of whether you are new to SQL, or an experienced SQL developer, there is always more learn. A relatively new resource, the SQL Tutor, is available […]


TechChannel E-book: Why Knowing Your Organization’s Security Needs Can Help Keep Data Locked Down


June 7, 2021

IBM Power Systems hardware and AIX are innately secure—but even top-notch security requires monitoring, patching and security planning to guard against bad actors and keep data locked down. Complacency is a recipe for disaster when it comes to security. An effective security plan requires a multilayered approach that starts with people, then physical security measures, […]


Embracing Automation Enables Effective IBM i HA/DR Planning

Jim Utsler

June 4, 2021

Automation is a boon for systems administrators. They can, for example, schedule jobs to run at specific times and days, considering issues such as job types and runtimes, differing time zones, end-of-day office closings and resource consumption. Although not entirely hands off—admins may have to respond to various job alerts—automation has addressed some particularly acute […]