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John Dominic on Cloud System Benefits and Trends

Charlie Guarino

September 1, 2021

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk. I'm very happy today to join with me John Dominic of Maxava. John Dominic is the global vice president of Maxava. His U.S. headquarters are based in Philadelphia. John, I am very happy to meet with you today. I know Maxava—their primary focus is high availability […]


The Power of Metadata in the IBM i OS: Part 1

Rick Flagler

August 27, 2021

Developers who work in the IBM i environment may or may not be familiar with the term “metadata.” Metadata can be defined as “data about data.” Metadata has existed within the IBM i OS since the historic days of the System/38, when an integrated Relational Database was introduced. Consider the commands DSPFD and DSPFFD, both […]


CLI Options for Configuring and Modifying LPARs

Rob McNelly

August 23, 2021

Gareth Coates, whose work I’ve cited previously, recently explained how to create an LPAR without using the HMC GUI: “Here is a suite of files to create an LPAR on an IBM [Power Systems server]…. There are shell scripts and configuration files. You need to make changes to suit your particular environment. I’d say that […]


Containers, Microservices and Open Source: IBM i From Another Perspective

Niels Liisberg

August 19, 2021

If you’ve worked with enterprise software development, I assume you’ve come across concepts like microservices and containers. Perhaps you’ve worked with Kubernetes or OpenShift. And maybe you already develop microservices in Java with the open-source framework Spring Boot and are over the moon about how great GraalVM is. Personally, I use all the above with […]


Get Notified When Nearing the Maximum Number of Spooled Files

Dawn May

August 11, 2021

An issue I encounter more frequently than I should is systems with a very large number of spooled files. This is a concern because IBM i has an upper limit on the number of spooled files. IBM i creates spooled output all the time, if for no other reason than job logs. If you hit […]


TechChannel E-book: Strategies for Effective Data Management on Db2 for i and IBM Power Systems Data Migration


August 9, 2021

As a valuable proprietary asset that can be increasingly leveraged for direct business insights, data is the life blood of many organizations. With this in mind, effective data management and data migration strategies are of the utmost importance. When planning for an IBM Power System update or migration, you should take inventory of existing physical […]


Integrate IBM i With Anything Using Apache Camel

Jesse Gorzinski

August 6, 2021

Jesse Gorzinski on one of his favorite integration tools, Apache Camel (also known as the "Swiss knife of integration")


Andy Youens on the Impact of IBM i and Open Source

Paul Tuohy

August 2, 2021

Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. Delighted to be joined today for the first time and I hope not the last on the iTalk by Andy Youens from the UK. Hi Andy.   Andy Youens: Hello Paul.   Paul: So, Andy I think­­—­­well I know anybody in the UK who has ever attended […]


David Gibbs on RPG and IBM i Resources

Charlie Guarino

August 2, 2021

Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. This is Charlie Guarino. Welcome to another edition of Tech Talk. I am very happy today to have joining me a real staple in the IBM i community, somebody has been working in IBM midrange for more than 35 years doing RPG and Java programming and is also recipient of the Common […]


Basics of Using a Stored Procedure With Db2 Web Query for i Version 2.3

Rick Flagler

August 2, 2021

The most recent releases of Db2 Web Query introduced interface enhancements to the Home page, metadata management and report design. This article will discuss some of these changes in the context of illustrating using an SQL stored procedure (SP) as a data source for one or more Web Query reports. The procedure presents data for […]