IBM Announces Diamondback Tape Library
October 20, 2022
Today, IBM announced its latest archival storage solution: IBM Diamondback Tape Library. An extension of IBM’s comprehensive portfolio of data resilience solutions, IBM Diamondback is designed for organizations seeking to store hundreds of petabytes (PB) of data both securely and sustainably. This cost-effective storage solution enhances sustainability with its energy-efficient infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. […]
ArticlesRob McNelly on ‘Lights-Out Data Center’ Issues, the Latest IBM Announcements and More
October 19, 2022
Have you heard of “lights-out data centers?” Rob McNelly explains what they are along with their pitfalls, and explores the latest IBM announcements here.
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.5 TR1, 7.4 TR7 and More
October 12, 2022
It’s time to announce technology refreshes again. On October 11, 2022, we announced IBM i 7.5 TR1 and 7.4 TR7. And, as always, in addition to those specific “technology refresh” delivery vehicles, there are updates for Db2, Navigator, RPG and more. But First: Power10 Scale-Out But before I get to the TRs, I owe it […]
PodcastsBeth Granger on LinkedIn and Social Etiquette
October 10, 2022
Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. This is Charlie Guarino. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk SMB. In today’s podcast, I am so happy to be sitting here with a very good friend who is also a trainer, consultant, and a speaker who works with organizations and individuals to help them grow their businesses through referrals and […]
ArticlesAlternate Subsystem Routing in Navigator
September 29, 2022
Navigator for i allows you to configure and manage subsystems. It also provides several options to set up subsystem routing. This post reviews these features in Navigator, along with the newest one—alternate subsystem routing. Managing subsystems with Navigator has been around for quite some time. You can create and manage subsystem descriptions with the tasks […]
Recognizing and Fostering Greatness in the Power Systems Ecosystem
September 20, 2022
Spotlighting influential women in the IBM i community; plus, Pete Massiello on how mentorship and IBM i education can close the Power Systems skills gap
ArticlesHow to Approach Advanced IT Automation
September 15, 2022
When it comes to advanced IT automation, technology leaders should become familiar with both current as well as future trends that may affect your organization. It is a fundamental task to make an appraisal of one’s data center infrastructure and to analyze what is being done now and what needs to be done in the […]
ArticlesContinuing IBM i Education: COMMON Fall Events
September 14, 2022
I am a big advocate for continuing education. Whether self-study with online materials or attending user group meetings, keeping current with technology is critical for career success. I do online self-study frequently. When I have questions I head straight to the internet. I also make it a point to attend local user group meetings—in my […]
ArticlesHow to Deploy a Simple Grafana Dashboard
September 14, 2022
In this step-by-step tutorial, Jesse Gorzinski explains how to deploy a Grafana backend on IBM i and connect to it from a Grafana container image
ArticlesIntroducing IBM i System Subscription
September 8, 2022
IBM has introduced the IBM i System Subscription, designed for affordability and simplicity. Get insights on this latest announcement from IBM’s Dylan Boday.