Power Systems Best Practices Doc Updated, dnf, New IBM Customer Support Portals and More.
June 15, 2021
The Power Implementation Quality Standard for Commercial Workloads document has been updated. Get the details from Rob McNelly here.
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: Why Knowing Your Organization’s Security Needs Can Help Keep Data Locked Down
June 7, 2021
IBM Power Systems hardware and AIX are innately secure—but even top-notch security requires monitoring, patching and security planning to guard against bad actors and keep data locked down. Complacency is a recipe for disaster when it comes to security. An effective security plan requires a multilayered approach that starts with people, then physical security measures, […]
ArticlesThe Latest in RPG Built-in Functions
June 3, 2021
Jon Paris on the three new RPG Built-in Functions from the IBM i 7.4 TR4 announcement—%Upper, %Lower and %Split
PodcastsCharlie Guarino Speaks With the Original Voice of Aussie Siri, Karen Jacobsen
June 1, 2021
New: Subscribe to TechChannel podcasts on Apple. Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody, welcome to another edition of TechTalk, I’m really thrilled today to introduce a very good friend who I met in New York City roughly about 10 years ago and I have to be honest. I don’t have many friends that I can say have appeared on […]
PodcastsSteve Pitcher on Malware Threats to IBM i
June 1, 2021
New: Subscribe to TechChannel podcasts on Apple. Paul Tuohy: Okay. Hi everyone, welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. I’m delighted to—well, actually, I don’t know if I am delighted because we’re going to be talking about something that’s terrifying the life out of me so anyway welcome back to iTalk Steve Pitcher from iTech Solutions. Steve, how […]
Introducing IBM LinuxONE III Express
May 18, 2021
Cloud technology has been growing in popularity for several years, as data-driven, app-based technology has become an integral function of daily life. From business applications to consumer solutions, the cloud is a staple for storing and managing data. To meet the cloud-based data needs of various tech workflows while maintaining a high security standard at […]
ArticlesAttention to Patching and Other Vital System Maintenance Will Help You Avoid the Heat
May 18, 2021
Rob McNelly on why adequate system maintenance can help you prepare (and avoid) system problems
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: How to Combat Remote Work Security Risks
May 10, 2021
How remote work has influenced data security trends, and what you can do to keep your data locked down
ArticlesBasic AIX Security Strategies and Best Practices
April 20, 2021
Security is a very hot topic for a good reason. So much of our personally identifying data is now being stored that the security break-ins that have been happening have most likely affected everyone reading this article. Additionally, the penalties now for breaches of the various standards (HIPAA, PCI, etc) are significant. Good security requires […]
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: How Open Source Bolsters Power Systems Modernization and Hybrid Cloud Strategies
April 13, 2021
With its built-in reliability, security, stability and availability, the IBM Power Systems platform is ideal for hosting critical enterprise workloads across hybrid cloud infrastructures. These strengths, paired with open-source integration, can help organizations keep data ready for modern innovations. Many Power Systems clients already rely on open-source software to modernize applications, develop and grow hybrid […]