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Automate Your TSO Logons With Vista TN3270 Application Macros and a Windows Batch (.bat) File

Subhasish Sarkar

January 13, 2021

In this tutorial, we look at all the steps that are involved in the process of automating TSO logons, using the Vista TN3270 application and a Windows Batch (.bat) file. Components Involved Step by Step Instructions Step 1: Create a new session file for your Vista TN3270 Terminal session Application As the very first step, […]


Ezriel Gross on the Importance of CICS

Reg Harbeck

May 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck talks with Ezriel Gross about his history with CICS and its continued importance in the mainframe community


Homer Ahr Reflects on Working Mission Control for the NASA Apollo Space Program

Keelia Estrada Moeller

March 2, 2020

Growing up in the midst of Sputnik and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Homer Ahr’s interests in the space program were piqued early. Ahr became a computer operator for a construction company in his early college years. Inspired to further his career, he taught himself how to program in FORTRAN. Ahr was later asked to work […]


Mobile Applications for IBM i Enable Business Continuity

Neil Tardy

February 3, 2020

Cellphones and mobile devices, long a part of our daily lives, have also become essential in the world of business. That’s certainly the case for Alan Seiden. As head of Seiden Group, a consulting firm specializing in application development and modernization on the IBM i platform, Seiden manages his business from his phone. When traveling […]


Improved Error Handling Increases Usability

Jim Schesvold

March 1, 2019

Errors can be managed, anticipated, controlled and sometimes resolved if an IT development unit is properly structured.