Hanging Out (Virtually) with IBM Champions, Upgrading an Older HMC and More
March 23, 2023
Rob McNelly explains how he recently updated an older HMC with the help of IBM Support and gives a reminder about technical debt
ArticlesIBM and Cohesity Collaborate to Offer New Security Solution
March 3, 2023
On March 2, IBM announced that it is partnering with Cohesity to offer a new Storage Defender solution that includes IBM Storage Protect, IBM Storage FlashSystems, IBM Storage Fusion, and Cohesity DataProtect. IBM Storage Defender uses AI and event monitoring to combat the impacts of breaches and cyberattacks as security risks rise in today’s data-driven […]
ArticlesProblem-Solving via the Internet, the Importance of Patching and More
January 20, 2023
Rob McNelly shares clients’ stories and details how he solved their technical challenges
ArticlesRecruiting Untapped Mainframe Talent
January 11, 2023
One of the biggest challenges in the world of legacy technology is the talent gap. While venerable systems such as mainframes still run the world, it is incredibly difficult to find people to run and manage them. This creates a precarious situation for CIOs and CTOs who are under constant pressure to help their teams […]
ArticlesIBM, Lenovo and HPE Servers Deliver Strongest Security as Data Breaches Surge
January 9, 2023
A 52% majority of enterprises cannot determine the amount of time it took their businesses to identify, isolate and shut down a security attack
Peter Fandel on DevOps and Open System Collaboration
December 1, 2022
Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Peter Fandel, who is the director of product management at Rocket Software. Peter, welcome. How did you end up in the world of mainframe? Peter Fandel: Ah, well thank you for having me today. How did I end up in the world of […]
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Rocket Software - IBM Z/mainframe
IBM Announces Diamondback Tape Library
October 20, 2022
Today, IBM announced its latest archival storage solution: IBM Diamondback Tape Library. An extension of IBM’s comprehensive portfolio of data resilience solutions, IBM Diamondback is designed for organizations seeking to store hundreds of petabytes (PB) of data both securely and sustainably. This cost-effective storage solution enhances sustainability with its energy-efficient infrastructure and reduced environmental impact. […]
PodcastsAnna Murray on the Value of Collaboration in an Automated World
October 10, 2022
Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck, and today I’m here with Anna Murray, who is product management director at Rocket Software. Welcome, Anna. Maybe we can start by getting the sense of how did you end up in the mainframe space and at Rocket Software? Anna Murray: Well thanks, Reg, for having me. I really […]
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Rocket Software - IBM Z/mainframe
Open Firmware Macros Tips, and a Closer Look at Power10 Servers
September 2, 2022
Rob McNelly highlights tips on open firmware macros, recaps Nigel Griffith’s closer look at Power10 Servers, explores AIX security bulletins and more
PodcastsRuss Teubner on the Power of Automation and Modernization
June 16, 2022
Reg Harbeck: Hi. I’m Reg Harbeck and today I’m here with Russ Teubner, cofounder and CEO of Hostbridge Technology. Russ, welcome. Tell us about yourself. How did you end up in the world of mainframe? Russ Teubner: Hi Reg. Well, first of all, thank you very much for the opportunity to visit today. Wow, how […]
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HostBridge Technology