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Exploring Enterprise DevOps

Joseph Gulla

June 12, 2017

This week, I am starting a two-part series on enterprise DevOps. Let me begin with the term enterprise then I’ll move on to DevOps. Enterprise Meant Mainframe To many of us, enterprise means mainframe. It wasn’t always that way but when mainframes became an out-of-favor platform in the 1990s, we started using the more indirect […]


IBM Lab Services Helps Clients Stay Vigilant Against Data Hackers

Gene Rebeck

June 1, 2017

In July 2015, an operator noticed some heavy UNIX* System Service (USS) activity that seemed highly suspicious. Some scripts were sending spam messages all over the world from the client’s mainframe. The client called IBM Systems Lab Services for z Systems* and LinuxONE*, and the Lab Services team sprang into action. The team of highly […]


From Military to Mainframe

Holly Eamon

June 1, 2017

Working as a z/OS* systems programmer on an infrastructure team is not quite the role Torrie McLaughlin once envisioned for her career. But both the job and the journey that led her to it are rewarding. “I get a big kick out of knowing that the system I work on every day is the backbone […]


Barry Schrager Looks at the State of Mainframes

Reg Harbeck

March 20, 2017

Reg Harbeck talks with Barry Schrager who recounts his career and explains what’s missing among today's mainframe operators and administrators. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg: Hello. This is Reg Harbeck and I'm here today with Barry Schrager, who is the author of ACF2 and the […]


Linux on z Systems Accelerates New and Traditional Workloads

Shirley S. Savage

March 1, 2017

Savvy businesses know that tackling challenges requires IT strategies that serve today’s needs and provide room to grow to handle future demand. They also know that embracing open-source solutions is a smart way to add capabilities. Clients with mainframe environments are well-positioned to take advantage of new opportunities because of the IBM z Systems* platform’s […]