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A NextGen Mainframer Succession Story

Reg Harbeck

September 21, 2020

Dr. Cameron Seay (currently an adjunct professor at East Carolina University; IBM Champion for System Z; and Chair, Open Mainframe Project COBOL Working Group) is one of my personal heroes. When we first met, we had each already begun our journeys of encouraging the development of a new generation of mainframers. My journey began in […]


Dr. Herbert Daly on IBM Z in the Classroom

Reg Harbeck

September 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck. Today, I have the honor and the pleasure to be speaking with Dr. Herbert Daly, who is a lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton near Birmingham, England, and also an IBM Z® Champion. Before I say anything else and start getting into the details, Herbert, tell us about […]


IBM Tools Support Layered Data Privacy and Protection

Kristin Lewotsky

July 23, 2020

Data today is on the move. It’s traveling from the server to the storage area network, from the enterprise into the cloud, or even to third parties. Although the IBM Z® platform protects data on the platform with pervasive encryption, the data can be vulnerable the moment it leaves the mainframe. Data can be breached […]


4 Years: From Marketing Major to Mainframer

June 25, 2020

Four years ago, I was in an office building interviewing for a new position I knew nothing about. I had been working the past eight months doing a sales job that I took out of pure necessity. The real world had made me realize that my marketing degree was not worth nearly as much as […]


The Business Value of the Transformative IBM Z Platform

Angela Fresne

May 5, 2020

Your customers require you to provide digital products and services in an always-on environment. This, in turn, drives the need for digital transformation. Digital transformation is about more than integrating new technology capabilities. It’s about rethinking your old operating models, experimenting and becoming Agile in responding to the market. It’s a state of mind as […]


Ezriel Gross on the Importance of CICS

Reg Harbeck

May 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck talks with Ezriel Gross about his history with CICS and its continued importance in the mainframe community


Meet the New IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III Models

Karen E Lewis

April 14, 2020

Every client’s cloud journey is unique—there’s no one-size-fits-all. But most organizations are or will soon be operating in a hybrid multicloud environment. In this environment, you are challenged to keep data secured, systems available and costs manageable. Meeting these challenges requires the right IT infrastructure. Enter the New IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE Models New […]


IBM TechU Talks Deliver Free, Technical Training Webcasts

Angela Fresne

April 9, 2020

During this unprecedented challenge, our dependency on IT professionals and technology is higher than ever. As face-to-face events continue to be postponed, IBM TechU is offering a free 12-week training series, IBM TechU Talks, to accelerate essential recovery and transformation of global businesses. The series provides technical insight on key topics ranging from cloud, security […]


Theresa Hans on IBM Champions and New to Z

Reg Harbeck

April 1, 2020

Reg Harbeck: Hi, this is Reg Harbeck and today I'm here with Theresa Hans who is the key person for a whole bunch of different mainframe and new mainframer and IBM Champion things. Well rather than introducing her myself, Theresa tell us what's your role at IBM and how did you end up in such […]


Improve Workload Resilience With z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator and z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator

March 24, 2020

IBM has two new contributions to the IBM Z family: A data infrastructure provided by z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator and a visualization engine driven by z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator.