Choosing the Proper Level for Managing VIOS with NIM
This blog contains several links to helpful documents related to managing VIOS with NIM.

Here’s an IBM document on VIO server to NIM mapping (courtesy of Chris Gibson on Twitter).
The chart shows you which levels are needed for your NIM master to manage your VIO servers. Particularly since the update to VIOS 3.1, it’s critical that your NIM master is at the correct level.
While I’m talking about IBM documents, here are some other pages worth bookmarking:
- System Software Maps. (I recently touched on this here.)
- AIX Security Tables.
- HIPER APAR information. (Go here for raw CSV data for HIPER and security issues.)
- Also check out these reporting, scripting and APAR tools.
Just poking around on IBM support websites can be productive. You never know what information you might uncover that will help you somewhere down the line.