Automation and AI at Work
May 21, 2019
An entertaining story about a savvy techie who used AI and Instagram to automatically post information and receive free meals.
ArticlesShould You Consider Becoming a CAAC Member?
May 14, 2019
Mike McArdle, an instructor at Western Technical College in La Crosse, Wisconsin, explains the value of CAAC membership.
ArticlesThe lshwres Command and Hardware Discovery
May 14, 2019
How to use the HMC command line to get information from managed machines.
ArticlesIBM i—For Innovators, by Innovators
May 9, 2019
The IBM i team in IBM is proud of our platform, and we’re excited to be innovators in the IT industry.
ArticlesSetting the Record Straight on Power Systems
May 7, 2019
Rob McNelly dispells some of the common myths about Power Systems vs. x86
Tom Harper on Why Mainframe Careers Are Dynamic
May 1, 2019
Reg Harbeck: Hi. I'm Reg Harbeck and today I'm here with Tom Harper who is somebody I consider to be mainframe royalty because he and his family have just had such an amazing deep long involvement with mainframe. His daughter Kristine is one of the cofounders of zNextGen and she is also married to the […]
ArticlesText from AIX
April 30, 2019
Rob McNelly explains how to send texts from AIX.
ArticlesIBM i 7.4
April 24, 2019
Learn which enhancements come with IBM i 7.4 and Db2 Mirror for i.
ArticlesUpdating Old Firmware with the OpenBMC Tool
April 23, 2019
Learn how to update old firmware with OpenBMC, along with the tool's basic commands and functionality.
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.4 and Db2 Mirror for i
April 23, 2019
IBM has announced IBM i 7.4, and a new licensed program product called IBM Db2 Mirror for i.