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Introducing IBM LinuxONE III Express

Sofia Haan

May 18, 2021

Cloud technology has been growing in popularity for several years, as data-driven, app-based technology has become an integral function of daily life. From business applications to consumer solutions, the cloud is a staple for storing and managing data. To meet the cloud-based data needs of various tech workflows while maintaining a high security standard at […]


Attention to Patching and Other Vital System Maintenance Will Help You Avoid the Heat

Rob McNelly

May 18, 2021

Rob McNelly on why adequate system maintenance can help you prepare (and avoid) system problems


How Leveraging AI Technology Enables Developers

Sofia Haan

May 17, 2021

AI has long been shrouded in an aura of mysticism and mystery in popular culture. A staple of science fiction novels and dystopian movies, technology with capabilities to build processes and machines capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence and attention has often seemed more affiliated with fantasy rather than reality. However, […]


Andrew Clark on DevOps and Git

Charlie Guarino

May 3, 2021

New: Subscribe to TechChannel podcasts on Apple. Charlie Guarino: Hi everybody. Welcome to another edition of TechTalk. I’m very happy today to be joining Andrew Clark. Andrew is the DevOps manager at Arcad Software. Andrew has 30 years of development experience on IBM i and he’s an expert on everything Db2, i, and cross platform SQL. […]


How to Simplify the Lives of Non-Mainframe Trained IT Employees

Trevor Eddolls

April 23, 2021

Many people think that using a mainframe is hard. They have a picture in their minds of green screens and arcane subsystems that are incredibly hard to get to grips with. The trouble is that so many of the people who work on mainframes have been doing so for 40 years. And that means they […]


IBM i Gets a Refresh, Increasing Automation and Storage Options

Dava Stewart

April 20, 2021

The latest round of IBM i technology refreshes (TRs) provides enhancements to offerings, services and hardware. On Tuesday, April 13, IBM announced the latest round of OS TRs—IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10. These TRs demonstrate a commitment to IBM i services, showcase a continuing push toward automation and represent a heavy investment in […]


IBM i 7.3 TR10 and IBM i 7.4 TR4 Offer a New Query Supervisor Feature

Dawn May

April 14, 2021

IBM announced IBM i 7.3 TR10 and 7.4 TR4 on April 13. This announcement contains all sorts of goodies and enhancements designed to make life of the system administration and performance professional much easier. The most exciting feature is the Query Supervisor. We all know that Db2 for i is easy to manage compared to many other databases, but understanding […]


Resolving ‘Technical Debt’ With Education

Jim Buck

April 12, 2021

This year is a better time than any to get started addressing technical debt in your business. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that investing the time and energy into creating sound infrastructure in our business, especially in technology, can make or break a business during uncertain times. Technical debt is caused by many factors […]


When Does a User Profile Become a Bottleneck?

Dawn May

April 7, 2021

I’ve worked with several clients recently where a user profile, which could be a group profile, has become a major system bottleneck. This issue has taken two forms: Performance issues that occur because many objects are created and deleted for a single owning user profile Availability issues because a user profile hits the limit on […]


Why Having a Backup and Recovery Plan Improves IBM i Vitality

Jennifer Goforth Gregory

March 26, 2021

Monitoring the vitality of your IBM i system is a cornerstone of keeping your business running 24-7. A key component of IBM i’s vitality includes recovering quickly after a disaster with the least amount of disruption to your customers and revenue streams. Debbie Saugen has heard all the excuses for why a company isn’t prioritizing […]

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