A Look at IBM i 7.5 and Merlin
May 5, 2022
Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. Delighted to be joined today by not one person but two people and two of my favorite people to do iTalks with. You can probably guess who they are given the time of year it is and what’s going on this week or in […]
ArticlesRouting Work by User Profile and More Hidden IBM i 7.5 and IBM i 7.4 TR6 Gems
May 3, 2022
IBM has announced IBM i 7.5 and IBM i 7.4 TR6. A new release is a big deal and there are a huge number of great enhancements. Steve Will’s article, Announcing IBM i 7.5, 7.4 TR6, IBM i Merlin, is one of the best places to start for an overall review. You should also listen […]
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.5, 7.4 TR6, IBM i Merlin
May 3, 2022
IBM has unveiled the next major release of IBM i—7.5—as well as IBM i 7.4 TR6 and a brand new product called Merlin. Get the details in this blog from Steve Will.
ArticlesTips on the HMC, VIOS, LPAR and More
April 20, 2022
IBM Champion Rob McNelly on HMC, VIOS, LPAR, AIX 7.2 and 7.3 tips, and more
ArticlesIBM Aims for the Hybrid Cloud and Increases Security With the New z16
April 5, 2022
IBM today unveiled the z16 enterprise server, the latest release in its line of IBM Z mainframe systems. The new z16 delivers a slew of embedded, advanced capabilities aimed at hardening security, boosting performance, delivering greater value and cost efficiencies, and making analytics accessible and easy to use for non-data scientists to deliver immediate value. […]
Seeing the World Via the Mainframe
April 4, 2022
Reg Harbeck: Hi, I'm Reg Harbeck, and today I'm here with my colleague and co-author Karl-Erik Stenfors, who has been in the mainframe space for a very good long time. Well Karl-Erik, let's start by telling us about how did you end up on the mainframe? Karl-Erik Stenfors: Well, a bit of a point. […]
ArticlesThe Importance of Mainframe Documentation
April 4, 2022
The discovery of Egyptian hieroglyphics was the event that led to the definitions of the formal writing system that was once used in ancient Egypt as part of the native language. Egyptian hieroglyphics had more than 1,000 distinct characters that were used to tell the stories associated with the time. In the same vein, telling […]
ArticlesMainframe Insights: Storage and Performance
March 24, 2022
Legend has it that when Michelangelo was asked how he managed to sculpt the statue David out of a block of marble, he responded that he chipped away at everything that did not look like David. Legend notwithstanding, this is a simplified description of Kyndryl’s approach to managing systems. Only instead of marble, we concern […]
ArticlesThe Benefits of Transformation Engines for z/TPF
March 22, 2022
As large V8 engines are replaced with smaller, four-cylinder turbocharged engines, the mainframe will not be excluded. A transformation engine is like a zSeries Information Parallel Processor (zIPP) or an Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL), an engine for running Linux operating system (OS) on zSeries. It is a specialty processor that moves specific types of […]
ArticlesA New Home for the RFE Community
March 18, 2022
IBM Champion Rob McNelly on the IBM Power Systems Ideas portal, a FLRT change and his latest outdoor adventure