Getting the Most From Your Application Development Tools
January 25, 2021
This past summer I tackled the daunting project of rebuilding an outdoor deck. My collection of tools is hardly of beginner level, but surely not contractor grade either. There was one particularly onerous section that was too difficult for my carpentry pay grade and it was blatantly obvious a trained professional was in order. When […]
ArticlesDiving Deeper Into Web Services with DATA-INTO and DATA-GEN
June 1, 2020
Technical editors Jon Paris and Susan Gantner continue their series on DATA-INTO
ArticlesDATA-INTO Plus DATA-GEN for Web Services
April 6, 2020
Combining these two RPG operations with the YAJL library simplifies using web services from RPG
ArticlesThe Many Faces of Application Creation: Part 2
March 16, 2020
This is a continuation of last month’s article, which chronicled application tools and options in context of development projects I’ve worked in and programming alternatives used, including design, coding, and validation. I’ve used various programming facilities, along with their strengths and weaknesses. My experiences start in the early 1970s, and the evolution I’ve experienced spans […]
ArticlesCelebrating 10 More Years of RPG Progress
February 3, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner reflect on a decade of progress for the RPG development language
Tackling Unique Audit Requirements with RPG
December 16, 2019
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner share tips to tackle Data Structures and audit requirements
ArticlesAnnouncing IBM i 7.4 TR1
October 9, 2019
On Tuesday, October 8 2019, IBM made several announcements, including the first Technology Refresh for the IBM i 7.4 release, as well as TR 7 for 7.3.
ArticlesAn Introduction to Variable Field Lengths in RPG
September 16, 2019
RPG experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner explain new capabilities available with the Fall 2019 IBM i TR
ArticlesVarying-Dimension Arrays for RPG
June 1, 2019
The new IBM i 7.4 announcement brought with it varying-dimension arrays, a new data definition keyword and more
ArticlesHow to Send Text Messages From IBM i
April 1, 2019
Communication is often done via email, but a text message can do the trick, too. In fact, you probably already have the tools you need to send a text message installed on your IBM i