Use DATA-INTO for Processing Data With RPG
April 1, 2019
XML-INTO helped me with processing XML data, but now I’m being asked to process JSON, CSVs and other types of data. Can RPG help me to do this?
ArticlesWhy RPG Developers are Adopting RDi
February 1, 2019
In more and more shops, Rational Developer for IBM i (RDi) is rapidly taking over as the development platform of choice for RPGers
PodcastsSue Romano Discusses SQL Development
February 1, 2019
Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. I'm delighted to have with me today someone that I've been trying to grab an interview for quite a while, Sue Romano. Hello, Sue. Sue Romano: Hi. Paul: So Sue is one of the, for anybody who hasn't come across Sue's name before, is―well […]
ArticlesA Turning Point for Open Source on IBM i
August 1, 2018
IBM i is quickly becoming a fertile platform for open-source innovation, thanks to recent advancements.
ArticlesInnovative Solutions Drive the Next 30 Years of IBM i
June 21, 2018
Steve Will celebrates the 30th anniversary of IBM i by showcasing innovative solutions developed by companies like CD Invest.
IBM i 30th Anniversary Celebration Begins
April 2, 2018
Here we go! As I hinted in my last post, it’s time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of IBM i—and that celebration starts today, officially. We had a “preview party” of sorts at the RPG & DB2 Summit a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. Now, we get to start celebrating with […]
ArticlesThe Power of Prototypes for RPG
April 1, 2018
Prototypes are a topic that most RPGers know a little about because they are required for coding program and procedure calls in free format RPG
ArticlesA Closer Look at RPG’s DATA-INTO
March 1, 2018
An introduction to a more generic version of our CSV parser, along with trace support that IBM has built in to facilitate the development of parsers
ArticlesPOWER9 for IBM i and the Announcement of 7.3 TR 4
February 14, 2018
Today, February 13, 2018, is announce day for the Technology Refresh 4 (TR4) of IBM i 7.3 and TR8 of IBM i 7.2. In line with our IBM i communication strategy, this blog will cover highlights of the announcement, and further information will be found starting today on the IBM i site on, the […]
ArticlesFour User Questions, and Expert Answers That Prove RPG Is Strategic
February 5, 2018
Steve Will discusses what RPG is and why it's so strategic.