Use Cases for SQL’s CASE statement
October 11, 2021
Have you ever wanted to conditionally do some processing in an SQL SELECT statement? I‘m sure you have, as this isn’t really an unusual situation. In RPG and other languages, we have the IF or SELECT statements for this. In an SQL procedure, you can also use IF. But in a SELECT statement, the way […]
PodcastsRudi Van Helvoirt on COVID-19 and the Future of SQL Programming
October 4, 2021
Paul Tuohy: Hi everyone and welcome to another iTalk with Tuohy. I'm delighted to be joined today by, I think long overdue iTalk with my friend, my colleague and IBM Champion Rudi Van Helvoirt. Rudi, how are you? Rudi Van Helvoirt: I'm fine. Paul: Did I kill your name? Was I close enough in the […]
ArticlesIBM i New Navigator
September 21, 2021
One of the most exciting functions is Navigator for i – new version!, which IBM refers to as “New Nav.” The existing Navigator web console is now called the “Heritage Version.” The IBM announcement included the following text: “Navigator for i has been completely reimagined from the ground up. Leveraging the very latest in web technology, […]
ArticlesIntegration Station: Announcing IBM i 7.4 TR5
September 16, 2021
IBM i 7.4 TR5 offers an all-new web interface for IBM Navigator for I, new HTTP SQL functions, open-source inclusion and more
ArticlesUsing the New SQL HTTP Functions (Part 2)
September 15, 2021
How to use the new SQL HTTP functions to integrate indigenous IBM i technologies (such as Db2 and RPG) with open-source applications
Using the New SQL HTTP Functions (Part 1 of 2)
September 8, 2021
A new and improved set of HTTP functions have been added to Db2 for i. Get the details from Jesse Gorzinski and Scott Forstie here.
ArticlesDitch DSPLOG—History Log Info Is Superior
September 7, 2021
The history log is a great repository of messages on your IBM i partition; all messages sent to QSYSOPR, QSYSMSG and QCFGMSGQ are also sent to the history log. There are many functions that log additional messages to the history log, although they may not send those messages to the system operator message queue. Mining […]
ArticlesBasics of Using a Stored Procedure With Db2 Web Query for i Version 2.3
August 2, 2021
The most recent releases of Db2 Web Query introduced interface enhancements to the Home page, metadata management and report design. This article will discuss some of these changes in the context of illustrating using an SQL stored procedure (SP) as a data source for one or more Web Query reports. The procedure presents data for […]
ArticlesConsolidate SQL Educational Resources With the SQL Tutor
June 8, 2021
Developers often use SQL to access data in Db2 for i. With the ever-increasing number of IBM i Services, system administrators have a need to learn SQL as well. Regardless of whether you are new to SQL, or an experienced SQL developer, there is always more learn. A relatively new resource, the SQL Tutor, is available […]
ArticlesIBM i Gets a Refresh, Increasing Automation and Storage Options
April 20, 2021
The latest round of IBM i technology refreshes (TRs) provides enhancements to offerings, services and hardware. On Tuesday, April 13, IBM announced the latest round of OS TRs—IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10. These TRs demonstrate a commitment to IBM i services, showcase a continuing push toward automation and represent a heavy investment in […]