Trevor Eddolls
Trevor Eddolls is the CEO of iTech-Ed Ltd and has been an IBM Champion from 2009-2024.
Why Today’s AI Is Failing
April 16, 2024
iTech-Ed Ltd’s Trevor Eddolls on artificial generalized intelligence and what AI experts can learn from analyzing the human brain
ArticlesThe Comprehensive Beginners’ Guide to AI
February 15, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the hottest topic in the tech world today. But what is AI, really? And what are its implications? AI really started in the 1950s with Alan Turing and later the Dartmouth Conference. You can read more details here. IBM’s Deep Blue computer beating the reigning world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, […]
ArticlesMore on Mainframes and Open-Source Tools
November 29, 2023
Following on from my article looking at the value of open-source software on the mainframe, I thought it would be interesting to see what else was available for mainframers to use. Open Tools Community Let’s start with the z/OS Open Tools Community on GitHub. According to their website, z/OS Open Tools provides a package manager […]
ArticlesThe Value of Open-Source Software on the Mainframe
November 3, 2023
Mainframes, as we know, are fast, reliable and secure. They can deliver data to users faster than any other platform—particularly, cloud-based systems—and they can ensure that the data is encrypted in transit, while stored and even when in use. The software that runs on these computing behemoths comes from reputable software vendors who ensure their […]
ArticlesThe Complete Beginners’ Guide to Hacking a Mainframe
October 12, 2023
Any movie or TV show makes hacking seem like a trivial affair. A couple of minutes of screen time and some nerdy kid shouts, “I’m in.” Five minutes later, all the data has been stolen and dangerous applications have been rewritten (compiled and executed). We know that’s not how it happens, but the worrying thing […]
ArticlesAn Early Warning System for Ransom Attacks and Mainframe Breaches
September 15, 2023
Most mainframe sites can’t afford to be down for more than a few minutes—let alone the hours or days required to respond to a cyberattack with conventional processes. What is needed is an early warning system to detect and neutralize the most common forms of malicious attacks. The Benefits and Risks of Encryption Encryption can […]
ArticlesMainframe Security in the Age of AI
August 17, 2023
In theory, mainframe security should be easy—mainframes use RACF or similar products to control who can do what. However, security has never really been that easy, and today it definitely isn’t easy at all. The Challenges of Modern Mainframe Security First, mainframes aren’t little islands of computer processing anymore. They are intimately connected to the […]
ArticlesTop API Security Risks in 2023
July 5, 2023
“Modernize” seems to be the most popular word to go alongside mainframes these days. We’re always being told to modernize our applications by migrating part or all of them to the cloud. We’re also being told that we can modernize our business-critical mainframe applications by using APIs (application programming interfaces) to expose mainframe-based data and […]
ArticlesDefining Data Security Posture Management
June 8, 2023
If you haven’t heard of data security posture management (DSPM) yet, it’s because it is an emerging security practice. Its aim is to help organizations ensure that their cloud security is as strong as their mainframe security by automatically detecting and protecting data—and doing this in a dynamically changing environment. What Is Data Security Posture […]
ArticlesLooking Out for the Well-Being of Mainframers
May 11, 2023
Following the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, many people and organizations have realized the importance of the well-being of their staff, as it’s vital to the creation of a happier, healthier and more productive business. With the mainframe being so central to the success of a business, boosting the mental well-being and building the resilience of […]