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Centralized Cloud and Security Management Empowers IT

April 1, 2018

For IBM Power Systems clients, transforming their virtualized data center into a self-service private cloud and protecting it with automated security management just became an easier and more powerful proposition. IBM has introduced important new capabilities by advancing IBM Power Security Center (PowerSC) and Power Virtualization Center (PowerVC) software. Both were recently announced at Think […]


The Art and Science of AIX Performance: Intuition and Instinct

Mark J. Ray

March 1, 2018

Over the course of this article series, we’ve developed a methodology to attack and resolve performance problems. We’ve laid the foundation of our remediation efforts by developing a coherent and complete history-taking formula. We’ve learned about the importance of keeping current on system and device firmware, along with the importance of keeping careful and up-to-date […]


The Art and Science of AIX Performance: The System Monitors

Mark J. Ray

February 1, 2018

The first three installments in this series of articles cover much ground. We’ve learned how to deploy statistics-gathering programs to collect data on the behavior of system workloads, we understand that maintaining a complete history of those systems and what runs on them is essential to our diagnosis, and we know that keeping firmware up […]


Your Partner in the Cloud

Steve Sibley

January 2, 2018

McKinsey & Company predicts that enterprises building multiclouds with infrastructure on-premises are expected to double provisioned workloads by 2018 ( Private clouds, when designed with the right technology, can deliver the simplicity associated with public cloud solutions, while retaining the security, availability and freedom traditionally associated with infrastructure fully under your control. IBM Power Systems* […]


Open Source is Changing Businesses

Shirley S. Savage

January 2, 2018

Some revolutions begin with a bang. But not the open-source revolution. In 1991, Finnish inventor Linus Torvalds was working on a computer project with the sole purpose of providing a challenge for himself. Liking what he saw, Torvalds showed the software that was to become Linux* to other programmers. Soon, many programmers began to contribute, […]


Trevor Perry on Slide Decks and IT Strategy

Paul Tuohy

January 1, 2018

Paul Tuohy: Hi everybody and welcome to the first iTalk with Tuohy of 2018. To kick off the year, I think no better person to maybe look back at 2017 with and to kick off the new year is my friend, my colleague, my fellow IBM Champion and general AS/400 evangelist, Trevor Perry. [Laughs] I […]


The Art and Science of AIX Performance: The Stats Utilities

Mark J. Ray

January 1, 2018

This is the third installment in my series on AIX performance. Part 1 focuses on current firmware, the foundation upon which any good AIX system performance is built. I also explain why taking a detailed history is so important to diagnosing performance problems. Part 2 explores the depth to which one can understand how a […]


IBM PowerAI Brings Together AI Solutions for Enterprises

December 1, 2017

When you’re big, it’s tough to be quick. The artificial intelligence (AI) boom has sent some startups soaring into the future, but it’s left some big enterprises planted in the past. “Every industry is being disrupted by AI startups—FinTech tools in the banking industry, self-driven cars in the auto industry—these new companies are using AI […]


Top IT Concerns

Tom Huntington

September 11, 2017

We’ve heard it at trade shows and read about it in surveys: The top challenges for IBM Power Systems* clients are security, high availability and modernization. It’s no surprise because every CIO needs to keep their data safe and available in order to stay competitive—all while keeping the company’s name out of headlines covering the […]


IBM Debuts Hyperconverged Servers

Rob McNelly

August 16, 2017

In May, IBM announced it was partnering with Nutanix to “bring new workloads to hyperconverged deployments.” In July IBM unveiled two new hyperconverged systems. So what does IBM’s move into the hyperconverged infrastructure market mean? For that matter, what is a hyperconverged infrastructure? Per Wikipedia, a hyperconverged infrastructure describes systems that virtualize everything. It includes a […]