Application Administration with Navigator for i
February 2, 2017
When using Application Administration to control access to Navigator tasks, you create customizations which restrict some users from seeing certain tasks
ArticlesSQL Stored Procedure Tutorial
February 1, 2017
How to use a SQL stored procedure for data retrieval to feed a DB2 Web Query for i dashboard document.
ArticlesTokenized Encryption: Connecting Docs
February 1, 2017
This third and final article on documentation examines the information necessary to support a cryptographic interface oriented to CICS Transaction Server and MVS. While the focus is on mainframe environments, the principles and concepts apply to all IT systems. Likewise, except for specific programming languages and software, this information applies to all platforms. Function […]
ArticlesIBM Global Financing Designs Customized Solutions for Technology Investments
February 1, 2017
In the quest to harness the power of big data and analytics, organizations across all sectors face a similar challenge: how to keep pace with evolving IT needs without breaking the bank. Increasingly, CIOs and CFOs work together to get the job done. According to a study by Ernst & Young (, 61 percent of […]
ArticlesIBM i Open Source Directions
January 30, 2017
Steve Will discusses the growing importance of open source technologies on the IBM i platform.
ArticlesWhat Skillset Is Needed for Enterprise Systems Success?
January 30, 2017
This is the first in a multi-part series on the key skills needed for success in enterprise computing. As research for this post and the ones to follow, I have gathered and analyzed information from job postings from companies looking to hire programmers, programmer/analysts and developers for jobs in mainframe computing. All Job Postings […]
ArticlesOptical Containers
January 18, 2017
With 7.2 TR5 and 7.3 TR1 enhancements, you can easily store an optical image catalog on flash or RDX media.
ArticlesIBM i Future: 2017 Update
January 16, 2017
One of the most common questions people ask Steve Will is “What’s the future for IBM i?” In this article, he answers that question.
ArticlesEasily Modernize Applications to Stay Competitive
January 9, 2017
This is the second of a two-part series on modernization of legacy systems. The specific focus of this article is application modernization tactics that don’t require a complete replacement of the application either by rewrite or replacement by a commercial off-the-shelf package. Since companies maintain an application when business needs change, doesn’t it makes sense […]
ArticlesWays IT Teams Work: What Makes Them Effective?
January 6, 2017
Proactive communication, strong leadership and reliability are key elements of a successful IT team.
ArticlesIT Leaders Cite Cloud Computing as Top Priority for 2017
January 4, 2017
To gauge the technology directions its readers plan to take in 2017, we conducted an online poll in fall 2017.
ArticlesJSON_TABLE Function
January 3, 2017
DB2 for i is the first DB2 Family member to add JSON_TABLE() to its SQL language support.
Articles5 Reasons to Use Free-Format RPG
August 16, 2016
Many RPGers have yet to move on from fixed-format code. Here are five reasons to jump on the free-format bandwagon
ArticlesRealizing the Vision of Smart Cities
March 1, 2016
K.S. Ram Mohan describes smart cities and how they may come to life
ArticlesCreating Web Services With Integrated Web Services
February 17, 2016
Back in 2012 we published the article “Need a REST?” where we described the basics of developing a simple REST** Web service in RPG. At the time we noted that although IBM’s Integrated Web Services (IWS) could have been used for this task, it only generated SOAP Web services and that this was overkill for […]
ArticlesSam Knutson Believes Collaboration Helps Mainframes Evolve
January 16, 2016
Reg Harbeck talks with Sam Knutson, a prominent mainframer who has been involved in both the vendor side and private industry side on the platform. Listen to the interview via the orange play button or read the transcript below. Reg Harbeck: Hi, I'm here—this is Reg Harbeck. I'm here with Sam Knutson today and we […]
ArticlesRecycling RPG Programs as Stored Procedures, Part 2
April 18, 2012
Returning a result set using an SQL cursor; details on V7.1 support for RPG
ArticlesRecycling RPG as Stored Procedures
March 21, 2012
This article outlines the basics of turning an RPG program into a stored procedure
ArticlesBuilding REST Web Services With RPG
February 22, 2012
This month’s article begins the process of answering one of the most common questions we’re asked lately: How do I create a Web service? Many people are now turning to RESTful Web services.
ArticlesPaging, Memory and I/O Delays
September 1, 2010
Jacqui Lynch offers expert tips for AIX tuning in this first of a two-part series. Learn how to optimize paging, memory, and I/O delays for AIX 5.3, 6.1, and 7.
ArticlesMore REXX and TSO functions
December 1, 2008
In this primer in the REXX programming language you’ll get back to actually writing code, rather than dealing with environmental requirements.
ArticlesA Beginner’s Guide to the REXX Programming Language on z/OS
September 1, 2008
How to read and write files in the REXX programming language on z/OS.
ArticlesA Debate: DDS Versus DDL
September 1, 2008
Should you switch your DDS-defined files to DDL and replace RPG file access with embedded SQL? There’s no simple answer, but a mix might be the best option.
ArticlesDebugging RPG IV Programs: The Green-Screen Way
December 1, 2007
Learn the secrets to debugging in green screen.
ArticlesSystems Programmers Tips and Tricks for ISPF
July 1, 2006
A look at the time-sharing option and other ISPF topics.