Creating Bootable AIX OVA Images
February 2, 2021
A new command is included with Technology Level 5 for AIX 7.2 allowing for a utility which will enable admins to capture a bootable OVA image of their AIX systems rootvg. Learn how in this tutorial.
ArticlesWhy AIX Admins Should Know vi and ksh
February 1, 2021
We may bash one another with our opinions, but every AIX admin needs to know vi and ksh
ArticlesContinuous Change in Systems, Networks and Applications
December 8, 2020
Joseph Gulla looks back back on some of the main ideas explored in IT Trendz in 2020.
Articlesezh, eezh Scripts Designed to Simplify the HMC Command Line Interface
December 8, 2020
Rob McNelly notes the availability of scripts that are designed to simplify the HMC command line interface.
ArticlesDisplaying UDID/UUID Information
December 1, 2020
Rob McNelly offers additional insight with this post about displaying UDID/UUID information.
IBM Doc Covers NPIV Multi-Queue
November 24, 2020
Learn about the modernization of N_Port ID Virtualization by enabling NPIV Multiple-Queues.
ArticlesWhen Technology Sneaks Up on You
October 27, 2020
Rob McNelly gets a new laptop and relearns an important lesson: While you'd expect technology to progress, it's still worth noticing.
ArticlesHanging Commands and Tasks on the HMC
September 22, 2020
Rob McNelly reveals the commonality that some problematic tasks share.
ArticlesDebugging With RDi and Service Entry Points
September 8, 2020
IBM i experts Jon Paris and Susan Gantner explain debugging procedures for Rational Developer for i
ArticlesA Look at Recent POWER9 Enhancements, Updated Performance Numbers
September 8, 2020
Rob McNelly discovers another hack. This IBM Redpaper increased bandwidth and faster data transfers.