Navigator for i Graph History: Review Historical Data
October 15, 2020
IBM i expert Dawn May continues her series about Navigator for i by discussing historical data
ArticlesActive_Job_Info() for Prestart Server Jobs
November 5, 2019
This article continues upon the series of blogs Dawn May has written related to prestart jobs, one of which detailed retrieving the current SQL statement for a job using QSYS2.ACTIVE_JOB_INFO()
ArticlesCopy a Monitor with Navigator for i
June 7, 2019
IBM i expert Dawn May explains how to copy a monitor with Navigator for i v7.2.
ArticlesPrestart Server Jobs and Exit Programs
April 10, 2019
Securing IBM i is essential and it’s important to understand how to control access to your system with prestart server jobs
ArticlesIBM i Job Accounting and Prestart Server Jobs
March 10, 2019
Job accounting can be used to track the use of system resources, such as CPU time, transactions, printed output and more, to a particular user or groups of users
The Mysterious QP0ZSPWP Jobs
February 15, 2019
QP0ZSPWP jobs are created by spawn() and fork() functions. But what do they do?
ArticlesQSQSRVR Job Considerations
February 10, 2019
The QSQSRVR prestart server jobs run in the QSYSWRK subsystem by default, but you can configure the subsystem for these jobs
ArticlesClient Special Registers Are Special
February 2, 2019
Client special registers are very useful for understanding who requested work for database server jobs (QZDASOINIT, QSQSRVR, and QRWTSRVR)
ArticlesRetrieving the Current SQL Statement for a Job
January 17, 2019
IBM i makes it relatively easy to identify and review jobs that may be using a lot of CPU or driving a lot of I/O
ArticlesPrestart Jobs and Connection Pooling
January 5, 2019
Connection pooling is most often used for database connections to the QZDASOINIT or QZDASSINIT (secure server) jobs. It can also be used for other prestart server jobs