Bringing Choice, Consistency and Protection to Hybrid Cloud Strategies
October 13, 2021
Hybrid cloud has quickly grown in popularity, but with this extensive growth it’s more important than ever for organizations to develop strategies that address cost control, IT complexity, cybersecurity threats and data corruption. When developing a hybrid cloud strategy, notes Scott Baker, VP, Storage Product Marketing for IBM, it’s important for organizations to define what […]
ArticlesLatest IBM Storage Announcements Address Key Hybrid Cloud Pain Points for Clients
October 12, 2021
As hybrid cloud environments grow in popularity, organizations must develop strategies that address increasing IT complexity, public cloud costs, cyberattack threats and other data destructive events. Today, IBM in announcing new capabilities and integrations designed to mitigate these pain points—helping organizations reduce IT complexity, deploy cost-effective solutions and improve cyberresilience across hybrid cloud environments. These […]
E-BooksTechChannel E-book: How to Enhance Your Data Storage Strategy
September 22, 2021
Running an efficient data center requires constant monitoring and measurement. This means understanding everything from storage best practices and tools for maximizing performance. Data temperature, for example, often determines the percentage of budget that gets devoted to storing different types of data. Once you create process maps based on the data’s temperature, you can better […]
ArticlesBest Practices for AIX in a SAN Environment: Part 2, I/O Configurations
July 14, 2021
In my last article I explained the best practices for AIX in a SAN environment from a SAN perspective. I explained some best practices for SAN topologies, multipathing, FC-HBA configurations, among other recommendations. In this article, I’ll explain the best practices for the I/O configuration from the AIX perspective—that is, recommendations for data layout, filesystems, flash caches configuration […]
ArticlesBest Practices for AIX in a SAN Environment: Part 1
June 24, 2021
AIX supports different SAN topologies, switches and storage servers from multiple vendors. This represents challenges, due to the fact the interoperability among vendors is less than ideal. Therefore, one important aspect to get a reliable AIX is to follow the best practices for the SAN environment. In this article, I want to explain the major […]
Containerized Data Services and Software-Defined Storage Come to IBM Z
May 19, 2021
After an unforgettable 2020, this year is filled with hope. The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway and we are slowly going back to a new normal. After these eventful past 12 months, there’s a quote by author Hillary DePiano that describes well what to do next: “You can get excited about the future. The past […]
ArticlesThe Rise of Edge Infrastructure Storage
May 6, 2021
Hybrid cloud has changed the way business gets done. Its growth has also brought about the need to manage the edge of the network, which is often geographically dispersed and disconnected from the data. According to an IDC report, the number of operational processes deployed on edge infrastructure is expected to grow from less than […]
ArticlesIBM Announces Major Innovations Across Its Storage Portfolio
April 27, 2021
Today, April 27, 2021, IBM announced key innovations across the storage portfolio, designed for improving access to, and management of, data across hybrid cloud environments. First, the company announced a plan to launch a new container-native software defined storage (SDS) solution, IBM Spectrum Fusion, in the second half of 2021. The first incarnation is planned […]
ArticlesAIX/VIOS Versioning Recommendations, a POWER9-Based HMC and the Evolution of IBM Certifications
April 22, 2021
Rob McNelly on why AIX has stood the test of time, the new POWER9-based HMC and how IBM certifications have evolved
ArticlesIBM i Gets a Refresh, Increasing Automation and Storage Options
April 20, 2021
The latest round of IBM i technology refreshes (TRs) provides enhancements to offerings, services and hardware. On Tuesday, April 13, IBM announced the latest round of OS TRs—IBM i 7.4 TR4 and 7.3 TR10. These TRs demonstrate a commitment to IBM i services, showcase a continuing push toward automation and represent a heavy investment in […]